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New Feature: The Connectory Spotlight

The NGCP e-newsletter has a new feature highlighting programs and opportunities in The Connectory. The Connectory is the go to place for families to discover local STEM opportunities for the children in their lives and for program providers to find partners with which to collaborate.

Swirls   Collaborative Network ActivitiesCollabNews

SciGirls Training at Marbles Kids Museum

Raleigh, NC; August 12, 2015; 9:00 AM-4:00 PM

SciGirls Trainings integrate inquiry-based STEM instruction with a commitment to gender equity. Participants will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM; experience hands-on STEM activities; and gain access to free materials for hands-on, video-enhanced activities that put a creative twist on teaching STEM.



SciGirl Educator Training

Terre Haute, IN; August 12, 2015; 9:00 AM-4:00 PM

This professional development workshop focuses on inquiry-based STEM instruction with a commitment to gender equality. Attendees will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM; experience hands-on STEM activities; and gain access to free materials for hands-on, video-enhanced activities that put a creative twist on teaching STEM.



STEMwise Forum - Great Plains

Sioux Falls, SD; October 8, 2015; 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

STEMwise 2015 will forge and enhance partnerships in the Northern Plains (SD, ND, MN, IA) between STEM professionals, educators, and community leaders. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute to collaborative sessions and discussions on topics such as: industry-education partnerships, dual credit and early college, utilizing trans-disciplinary approaches, project design and execution, connecting innovation and transformative technologies with education, and maximizing use of regional STEM resources. Early bird registration ends September 1, 2015. 


FabFems Spotlight FabFems 
The FabFems Spotlight highlights women from the FabFems Role Model Directory. FabFems are enthusiastic about the science and technology work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. Search the Role Model Directory to find FabFems to connect with in your area.


Diane Doise

Meet Diane, Automation Engineer at Syngenta. She is passionate about sharing her success as a female engineer. Diane believes, "the world needs more engineers. Medical doctors can help thousands of people but as engineers we can help millions or even billions. There is no limit to what an engineer can do. If you think engineering is for you, take all the science and math classes you can. The more you know, the better prepared you'll be to solve the world's problems!" 


Visit Diane's profile to learn more.


We benefit from role models at all stages of our lives. The FabFems Role Model Directory is excited to have more college students joining the directory and recognizing the power they have as role models.


Stay connected to FabFems: Follow us on Twitter  Like us on Facebook  Find us on Pinterest 

Swirls   Upcoming STEM Events  STEM_Events

Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Conference

Grapevine, TX; July 13-14, 2015

The CSTA annual conference is a professional development opportunity for computer science and information technology teachers who need practical, classroom-focused information to help prepare their students for the future. Register  


Girl Up Leadership Summit
Washington DC; July 13-15, 2015
Participants will get an inside look at the challenges that impact the lives of adolescent girls in different parts of the world, and will receive hands-on advocacy experience with a day on Capitol Hill. Gear toward middle school, high school, and college students, most workshops and breakout sessions will be divided by age group to allow for targeted learning. Register 


esri logoEsri Education GIS Conference    

San Diego, CA; July 18-21, 2015

Attendees will discuss emerging best practices and challenges in geographic information system (GIS) education, participate in hands-on training and technical workshops to improve GIS skills, and learn about Esri resources. Register 


Serious Play Conference

Pittsburgh, PA; July 21-23, 2015

Conference sessions will help educators identify the types of games and simulations that work best for students at the preschool, K-12, and higher education levels. Participants will also learn how to use games and simulations for messaging and professional development programs. Register 


Astronomical Society of the Pacific Annual Meeting
Oakland, CA; October 10, 2015
This year's conference will feature astronomy activities for families, science teacher workshops, Chabot's interactive exhibits and an Astrophotography contest. Participants will engage and network via presentations, panels, and workshops. 



Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) Conference
Montreal, QC, Canada; October 17-20, 2015

The ASTC is an organization of science centers and museums dedicated to furthering public engagement with science among diverse audiences. At this year's conference attendees will have the opportunity to learn best practices, network, and gain a better understanding of how to create engaging programming. 



The Connectory Spotlight highlights programs and opportunities in The Connectory. The Connectory is a free online collaboration tool for STEM program providers to find partners based on interests as well as a platform to showcase STEM opportunities to families. This month we highlight iD Tech and the Space Telescope Science Institute.  


iD Tech provides students with high-energy, hands-on technology education in a summer camp setting. We are highlighting program opportunities in Washington, Texas, and Massachusetts: 


     Alexa Café: All-girls program ages 10-15 (Seattle, WA) 

     iD Game Design & Dev Academy (Cambridge, MA) 

     iD Programming Academy (Autin, TX)


The Space Telescope Science Institute's education program Amazing Space seeks to inspire and educate the formal and informal education communities about the wonders of our universe by using the science and engineering of the Hubble and James Webb space telescopes. We are highlighting a few of their online opportunities:


     Hubble Hangouts 

     Not Your Parents' Solar System and Celestial Motions (videos)

     Telescopes from the Ground Up (activity)


Join The Connectory to collaborate with STEM programs and promote your upcoming STEM opportunities to families. Opportunities are visible publicly to families. Programs are visible to other STEM providers.

Swirls   STEM Resources  STEM_Resources

Girls Scouts of U.S.A. Imagine Engineering

Developed for high school girls, this resources site provides overviews of various engineering disciplines. Guides are free and come in four versions with girl-centered activities as well as representing images and role models who are African-American, Latina, and Native American along with a Spanish language guide.


July is Park and Recreation Month

The National Recreation and Park Association is challenging you to get gnarly and rock Park and Recreation Month 80s-style. The National Park Service website offers free educator resources for integrating park-based research into STEM classes and informal activities.   


New Research Collection Available for Informal Science Educators 

Relating Research to Practice, a collaboration led by the Exploratorium, contains research briefs summarizing peer-reviewed educational research relevant to STEM education. A newly developed Relating Research to Practice resource, Connected Collections, brings together research summaries on a specific topic, written with the interests, needs, and institutional settings of informal science educators in mind. Three Connected Collections are now available: Equity in Science Education, Gender Identities in STEM Education, and Learning through Tinkering in STEM Education.


Smithsonian Latino Virtual Museum's Eco Explorers Series

Eco Explorers is a series of 3D interactive games exploring our world through culture and the environment. The Eco Explorers investigate the concept of watershed and Pre-Columbian indigenous cultures through the lens of Smithsonian Archeology, Anthropology, and Earth Sciences collections and scholarship. 

NCWIT's Top 10 Ways to Increase Girls' Participation in Computing Competitions 

This Top 10 resource offers simple suggestions to make your competition appeal to a wider range of participants. Taking these steps will benefit all students and help make your event a success.  


Swirls   Global Resources GlobalResources

GlobalGirl Media

GlobalGirl Media is dedicated to empowering high school age girls from under-served communities around the world through media, leadership and journalistic training to have a voice in the global media universe and their own futures. GlobalGirl Media seeks to address this disparity by supplying the equipment, education and support necessary to help young women become digital and blog journalists, bringing their own unique perspective on their lives, their communities and world events to the global web and social media community.

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