News on Local Food

Pictured above:  Bats of Bedlam Maple Farm's Sugarhouse! Bats of Bedlam are one of many Sugarhouse's that have partnered with buyCTgrown to distribute our Maple Syrup Crop Cards!  
 For most of the year, the sap of the sugar maple is an inedible mixture of water and various starches. But in February and March, in preparation for the growing season that lies ahead, enzymes in the tree convert starch to sugar. 
Looking for a sugar house near you?    Find it on
Upcoming Events

February 17
Farmer's Cow Winter Farm Tour
Location: Graywall Farm, Lebanon
Celebrate President's Day exploring a working dairy farm. Meet the farmers behind The Farmer's Cow and experience free down-home fun for the whole family.

Location: East Windsor

New Farmers, please come!  A networking event to strengthen Connecticut's agricultural community (This program is designed for farmers within their first 10 years of commercial production)

February 20 - 23

Location: Hartford
The 33rd annual Connecticut Flower & Garden Show covers almost 3 acres with the 2014 theme "Backyard Paradise," featuring many ideas for homeowners and apartment and condo dwellers alike.

February 20
Winter Indulgence Night
Location: N
ew Morning Store, Woodbury 
Join us for tons of delicious food sampling throughout the store, Local and organic wine. 
Location: Lyman Orchards
Celebrate the Fun side of winter!  Cure your cabin fever! Go snow tubing! Hug a Husky! Watch your child learn to drive a team of trained sled dogs and watch an exciting ice carving demonstration!

March 01
Location: Danbury
The 2014 Winter Conference brings into focus the challenges of the next generation of farmers and how they affect all of us.  Join us to discuss the future of sustainable farming and celebrate local food.

March 01 - 02
Maple Sugar Festival Weekend!
Location: Stamford Museum & Nature Center
Stamford Celebrate the sweetness of the maple sugaring season! Visit the little red sugarhouse on Heckscher Farm and see firsthand how sap is turned into maple syrup. Witness how trees are tapped and sap is collected... 

February's Featured Food & Goods
Check out our featured food: 
Adamah Pickled Products 
and featured farm: 
Ragland Farm


This month we interviewed Shamu Sadeh, Director of Adamah, an educational farm at Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center in Falls Village, CT about their delicious pickled products!
Read More>>  


Maple Season is gearing up and to get into the spirit we interviewed maple syrup producer and farmer, Benjamin Stiles.   Benjamin is the owner of Ragland Farm and a retired technology and engineering teacher.

Do you have a favorite farm, restaurant or business that is serving local? 
Encourage them to have a FREE profile on Register here.
Maple - Food Fact
Maple Syrup Tap


Did you know that a tablespoon of maple syrup, which has about the same caloric value as sugar, also contains high amounts of calcium, potassium and some iron, phosphorous and Vitamin B?


Legend has it that the first maple syrup maker was an Iroquois woman, the wife of Chief Woksis. One late-winter morning, the story goes, the chief headed out on one of his hunts, but not before yanking his tomahawk from the tree where he'd thrown it the night before. On this particular day the weather turned quite warm, causing the tree's sap to run and fill a container standing near the trunk. The woman spied the vessel and, thinking it was plain water, cooked their evening meal in it. The boiling that ensued turned the sap to syrup, flavoring the chief's meal as never before. And thus began the tradition of making maple syrup. 



Get Your Maple Syrup Crop Card!


Maple Syrup Season is upon us!  Don't miss out on the opportunity to visit your favorite Maple Syrup producer and to pick up a buyCTgrown maple syrup crop card featuring recipes, DIY activities, sing-along-songs and more!  Click on the Maple Card icon for a list of partnering CT Sugar Houses that are distributing this seasonal treat! 



Seasonal Recipe
Bistro 7's Chowda Team at the 2013 Chowdafest


Awarded Best Soup in the State of CT - Chowdafest 2014


BUTTERNUT SQUASH - 5 medium to large pieces 
BROWN SUGAR - � pound 
NUTMEG- 2 bulbs 
MAPLE SYRUP - 1 cup 
BUTTER - � pound 
VEGETABLE STOCK - 2 to 3 quarts 
ONIONS - 2 medium sized 
*Bistro 7 recommends using as many local and organic produce and products for optimal flavor!

1. Cut SQUASH in half (from bulb to head) 
2. Remove seeds 
3. Place on sheet tray at 350� for 25 minutes (or until tender to the touch) 
4. Let cool until warm to touch 
5. Peel off skin (while still on sheet tray) 
6. Cut ONIONS into cubes 
7. Add OLIVE OIL to soup pot 
8. Saut� onions until onions turn clear 
9. Add to pot, roasted squash and VEGETABLE STOCK. Stock should be 1-2 inches above squash. Add water if needed. 
10. Micro-plane NUTMEG 
11. Add nutmeg, CINNAMON, BROWN SUGAR, MAPLE SYRUP and BUTTER to pot. Stir once 
12. Cook on medium-high heat for 60-90 minutes (*gas stoves cook on high heat for 60-90 minutes) 
13. Soup is finished when it is brown color 
14. Remove cinnamon sticks 
15. Hand Blend until pureed (soup will start thickening) 
16. While still blending slowly add HEAVY CREAM 
17. Finished soup will be a golden-yellow color
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