Good afternoon!

OK, so you know how your keys constantly skitter away to places unknown? Or how your luggage likes to camouflage itself on the carousel like one of those other bags? Well, after losing our stuff for the umpteenth time, we decided something had to be done.

We weren't sure what, but really, enough is enough.

So, we gathered a bunch of chocolate & scraps of stuff (which we have plenty of around here) & we set to work. It was not pretty. After awhile, all the chocolate was gone & there was nothing more to live for. We finally all went home & promptly lost our keys as usual. Sigh.

But the next day we came in & there on the table were the most fabulous things. It was like Christmas, except Santa turned out to be Ren who'd stayed up all night figuring it out. (Obviously, she works fine without chocolate.) Brilliant color, perfectly sized loops of leather, with an extra large key ring because we don't know anyone that only has one, or two, keys. Add in just the right selection of Brian's stories & ta-dah!
She called them FunFobs. Since she was the one who came up with them in the first place, we all agreed it was a perfect name.

We've shown them quietly to a few of you & you've already told us who needs them. Right. Now. Here's what you said: you do. Yes & all your friends who are really hard to buy for. & of course, all the men in your lives who are sick to death of ties for Father's Day. (Oh yeah. That. Father's Day....:-))

There are eight different color & story combinations, so you'll be sure to find the perfect match for your people. If you can't, it's easy enough to do a custom one. Pick a story. Pick a color. Off you go to a whole new life where your keys walk alongside you like a friend...;-)

Say Yes in Yellow: Say yes. Whatever it is, say yes with your whole heart & simple as it sounds, that's all the excuse life needs to grab you by the hands & start to dance. Lush & lemony, this color & story will add sunshine to any life.

Laughter & Noise in Orange: There are lives I can imagine without children but none of them have the same laughter & noise. Nothing could be better for a mother who looks like she desperately needs a good pair of earplugs.

Enough Time in Lavender: Everything changed the day I figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in my life. Perfect for men & women (& kids & border collies), we love how clocks seem to take a deep breath & expand with this story.

Secret #9 in Red: Let go of the idea of who you think you should be & be willing to become who you are. New grads will love this, as will anyone whose life feels like it's careening wildly off-course. Though we think wildly off-course is the best place to be anyway. :)

No Matter What in Blue: Trust is a lot easier when you quit worrying about what could go wrong & remember how much life you're going to live no matter what happens. Sapphire blue reminds us to inhale & absorb the idea that everything is going to be just fine, thanks.

Falling Into Place in Brown: deciding everything is falling into place perfectly as long as you don't get too picky about what you mean by place. Or perfectly. For the recovering perfectionists in our midst (all available arms wave wildly in solidarity).

Illusion of Control in Jade: If you hold on to the handle, she said, it's easier to maintain the illusion of control. But it's more fun if you just let the wind carry you. A gorgeous reminder to stop clinging to the bar in front of you & just let the rollercoaster of life whisk you along.

The Reason Why in Hot Pink: Because you remind me of everything there is in this world to love. A candy-colored invitation to love.

From what we've heard already, we're pretty sure you're going to love them as much as we do. Because, really, what makes you happier at the end of a long plane ride than grabbing your bag & heading out into the next adventure? Or finding your keys on your first pass through the house? Nothing, that's what. :-)

So, drop in to when you get a chance & check out a whole new way to add the stories you love to your life. We'll look forward to seeing you there...

With love,

The Crew at StoryPeople

P.S. If you're curious, we have some FunFacts about our FunFobs. One is undeniably true & the other three are completely unsubstantiated. We like to live dangerously that way...
  • Each FunFob is 5 1/2 x 1 inch aniline dyed leather with a 1 1/2 inch ring. (HA. This is the true one.)
  • They'll make whoever you give them to 98% more likely to be delighted by life.
  • When you order 2 or more, you'll be 88% more likely to find your favorite pie waiting for you at home.
  • Any custom FunFob makes it 72% more likely you'll discover magical powers sometime next week.
P.P.S. Pass this on to 10 people in the next 24 hours, or something terrible will happen. Oh. Wait a minute. That's a different email...;-)

This email is people-friendly, so you can read & discard & you'll be fine. With love, The Crew