Life Matters -- A publication of Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas
The landscape is changing.  Are we ready?
Letter from Karen Garnett, CPLC Executive Director

Karen Garnett, CPLC Executive Director

The landscape of abortion in Texas, in particular in Dallas, is changing like never before. On the heels of the two most pro-life legislative sessions in Texas history, we have seen an unprecedented number of abortion facilities close across the state and an estimated 20% decrease of abortions in Texas. Our sidewalk counselors report 3,300 fewer abortion clients in Dallas this past year compared to 2013, plus over 575 abortion-minded women chose life outside the Dallas abortion facilities in 2014! We have so much to be thankful for!!  But the abortion industry in Texas is not going quietly into the night. They are fighting back... Continue reading

In This Issue
Giving moms hope
New Adopt a Hopeful program saves lives


Because of your prayers and support, over 575 babies were confirmed saved from abortion in Dallas in 2014, and an additional 262 mothers were what we call "hopefuls" - they left an abortion facility undecided about choosing life, but we have no record of their return. To help these "hopeful" mothers choose life, the CPLC initiated the "Adopt a Hopeful" program this past fall to assure these hurting, anxious women that someone is praying for them. On one of the first days that CPLC counselors gave out the "Adopt a Hopeful" prayer cards, three of the mothers immediately chose life! Here's one story... Continue reading   

In her words
Project Gabriel mother shares her GEMS journey


My name is Susana Toral, and I am one of three women who graduated from the GEMS Academy this past year. I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and my journey into GEMS.  GEMS has been an extraordinary source of help and peace for me and my son, Julian. I was introduced to GEMS in the summer of 2013 while I was pregnant and felt all alone; my mother, Telma DeToral, was actually preparing to be a Gabriel Angel, without knowing the truth I was hiding. When she found out I was expecting, she realized that I needed help through my pregnancy. She connected me with Ingrid Meyer, CPLC's Gabriel Angel Coordinator, and that is where it all began... Continue reading  

Making new friends -- for life!
40 Days for Life in South Dallas

Prayer Volunteer at 2014 40 Days for Life-Dallas Vigil


On September 24th, at 6 a.m., fifteen prayer volunteers gathered in the dark in front of the new Planned Parenthood, using flashlights to sign in for the first day of the 40 Days for Life-Dallas prayer vigil.  Chilled by the early morning air, some had driven almost 40 miles to get there.  Others came that morning from homes only minutes away but with heavy hearts... Continue reading 

Your donation saves babies!

Your 100 percent tax-deductible gift is critical to helping the Catholic Pro-Life Committee continue to save lives, support families and offer healing.
You may make a donation online at 


You can also create a Legacy for Life by adding the CPLC to your will to help ensure a culture of life for the future. For information on bequests and other non-cash contributions to the CPLC, contact Ellen Rossini, 972-571-8705.  

Leading on Life

2015 Bishop's Dinner Honorary Chairs Mike & Barbara Weller

We are pleased to introduce Michael and Barbara Weller as this year's Honorary Chairs for The Bishop's 22nd Annual Catholic Pro-Life Dinner on April 18, 2015. The Wellers are parishioners of St. Ann, Coppell and have two sons, Eric (14) and Aidan (12), whom they adopted in 2007.  In 2011, the Wellers attended their first Bishop's Pro-Life Dinner... Continue reading  

Playing 'Fore' Life

CPLC Classic Pro-Life Charity Golf Tournament


Tournament Co-Chairs Richard Bridgeman and Dave Willingham (pictured below with Scott MacMaster) were among the 90 golfers who enjoyed a fun and blustery day at The Tribute Golf Club on October 13, 2014.  See more pictures here.


Catholic Pro-Life Committee
Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of Dallas
P.O. Box 803541 Dallas, TX 75380
[email protected]


Devoted to ending abortion and
restoring respect for life