A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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Daily Quote
Daily Lesson 167
Sarah's Reflections
TEXT CH 15, V 35-44



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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
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A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.
In the beginning it tells us, "This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean
you can establish the curric...

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Holy Instant Stands Ready for Acceptance
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The holy instant is this one and every one. The one you want it to be it is. The one you would not have it be is lost to you. You must decide on when it is. Delay it not. For beyond the past and future, in which you will not find it, it stands in shimmering readiness for your acceptance. Yet you cannot bring it into glad awareness while you do not want it, for it holds the whole release from littleness.  


Son ship Video 

 L e s s o n 167
There is one life, and that
I share with God.     




  Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio  


   There are not different kinds of life, for life

   is like the truth. It does not have degrees.

   Life is the one condition in which all

   that God created share. Like all His Thoughts,

   it has no opposite. There is no death

   because what God created shares His Life.

   There is no death because an opposite

   to God does not exist. There is no death

   because the Father and the Son are One.


   In this world there appears to be a state

   that is life's opposite. You call it death.

   Yet we have learned that the idea of death

   takes many forms. It is the one idea

   which underlies all feelings that are not

   supremely happy. It is the alarm

   to which you give response of any kind

   that is not perfect joy. All sorrow, loss,

   anxiety and suffering and pain,

   even a little sigh of weariness,

   a slight discomfort or the merest frown,

   acknowledge death. And thus deny you live.


   You think that death is of the body. Yet

   it is but an idea, irrelevant

   to what is seen as physical. A thought

   is in the mind. It can be then applied

   where mind directs it, but its origin

   is where it must be changed if change occurs.

   Ideas leave not their source. The emphasis

   this course has placed on that idea is due

   to its centrality in our attempts

   to change your mind about yourself. It is

   the reason you can heal. It is the source

   of healing. It is why you cannot die.

   Its truth established you as part of God.


    Death is the thought that you are separate

   from your Creator. It is the belief

   conditions change, emotions alternate

   because of causes you cannot control,

   you did not make, and you can never change.

   It is the fixed belief ideas can leave

   their source, and take on qualities the source

   does not contain, becoming different

   from their own origin, apart from it

   in kind as well as distance, time and form.


   Death cannot come from life. Ideas remain

   united to their source. They can extend

   all that their source contains. In that they can

   go far beyond themselves. But they can not

   give birth to what was never given them.

   As they were made, so will their making be.

   As they were born, so will they then give birth.

   And where they come from, there will they return.


   The mind can think it sleeps, but that is all.

   It cannot change what is its waking state.

   It cannot make a body, nor abide

   within a body. What is alien to

   the mind does not exist because it has

   no source. For mind creates all things that are,

   and cannot give them attributes it lacks,

   nor change its own eternal, mindful state.

   It cannot make the physical. What seems

   to die is but the sign of mind asleep.


   The opposite of life can only be

   another form of life. As such, it can

   be reconciled with what created it,

   because it is not opposite in truth.

   Its form may change; it may appear to be

   what it is not. Yet mind is mind awake

   or sleeping. It is not its opposite

   in anything created, nor in what

   it seems to make when it believes it sleeps.


   God creates only mind awake. He does

   not sleep, and His creations cannot share

   what He gives not, nor make conditions which

   He does not share with them. The thought of death

   is not the opposite to thoughts of life.

   Forever unopposed by opposites

   of any kind, the Thoughts of God remain

   forever changeless, with the power to

   extend forever changelessly but yet

   within Themselves, for They are everywhere.


   What seems to be the opposite of life

   is merely sleeping. When the mind elects

   to be what it is not, and to assume

   an alien power which it does not have,

   a foreign state it cannot enter, or

   a false condition not within its Source,

   it merely seems to go to sleep a while.

   It dreams of time; an interval in which

   what seems to happen never has occurred,

   the changes wrought are substanceless, and all

   events are nowhere. When the mind awakes,

   it but continues as it always was.


   Let us today be children of the truth,

   and not deny our holy heritage.

   Our life is not as we imagine it.

   Who changes life because he shuts his eyes,

   or makes himself what he is not because

   he sleeps, and sees in dreams an opposite

   to what he is? We will not ask for death

   in any form today. Nor will we let

   imagined opposites to life abide

   even an instant where the Thought of Life

   Eternal has been placed by God Himself.


   His holy home we strive to keep today

   as He established it, and wills it be

   forever and forever. He is Lord

   of what we think today. And from His Thoughts,

   Which have no opposite, we understand

   there is one life, and that we share with Him;

   with all creation, with their thoughts as well,

   whom He created in a Unity

   of life which cannot separate in death

   and leave the Source of Life from where It came.


   We share our life because we have one Source,

   a Source from Which perfection comes to us,

   remaining always in the holy minds

   which He created perfect. As we were,

   so are we now, and will forever be.

   A sleeping mind must waken as it sees

   its own perfection mirroring the Lord

   of Life so perfectly it fades into

   what is reflected there. And now it is

   no more a mere reflection. It becomes

   the thing reflected and the light which made

   reflection possible. No vision now

   is needed. For the wakened mind is one

   that knows its Source, its Self, its Holiness

     ~ Original Handscript of ACIM  


 ACIM OE WORKBOOK LESSON 167             


Circle Of Atonement ~ COMMENTARY on LESSON 167            


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ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 

ACIM Edmonton, CA

There is one life, and that I share with God.
Sarah's Commentary:

This is like Lesson 163, " There is no death. The Son of God is free." This Lesson says the same thing, but now the focus is more on the nature of our one life. Life does not have degrees. It is like truth. Since God is Life, what He creates can only be life, as there can be no opposite to God. Certainly, in this world there does seem to be an opposite to life, and we call it death. As was said in Lesson 163, death is apparent to us, as we see it all around. It seems certain and real to us. As a result, the illusion of this body and this world seems more real than perfect oneness, which has no opposites. Yet Jesus says, " There is no death because what God created shares His life." (W.167.1.5) Nothing outside of God exists. If that is the case, death must be illusory, and thus has no reality. Life is all there is. What to us depicts life is quite simply illusion. " There is no death because the Father and the Son are one." (W.167.1.7)
" In this world, there appears to be a state that is life's opposite. You call it death." (W.167.2.1-2) Death seems to show up in many forms, as we learned in Lesson 163. Yet whether it is the death of the body, or death in the forms of sorrow, loss, anxiety, sickness, pain, weariness, anger, or suffering of any kind, none of it is true. Indeed, any state where we are not supremely happy cannot be real. The experience of the individual self, seemingly living in a body, is an illusory state of a character in a dream. Our true state is actually perfect joy and peace. (W.167.2.5) When we respond to anything in this world with anxiety and fear or " a slight discomfort or the merest frown," (W.167.2.6) Jesus tells us we are actually denying the life we are. If God were all there is and He is Life, what we experience, including death, simply can't be true.
Ultimately, death is a thought in the wrong mind. If our natural state of extreme happiness can be changed to a state of sadness, misery and suffering, it must be because we are holding onto a false thought. In fact, it can be said all of our problems are a result of wrong-minded thoughts we are holding. These wrong-minded thoughts have come about with the seeming separation from who we really are. With separation comes our separate identity as a body and personality, but that identity is illusory. It is just an image we have projected. If that is the case, then who we think we are does not live, and therefore does not die.

Whether we experience sickness, pain, sorrow, or fear, all come from the choice for the wrong mind and are non-existent. They start with the belief the ego is true, the body and the world are real, and problems we experience are caused by events and circumstances outside of the mind. What we do in response to our perceived problems is to try to fix them with remedies that can never work. This is because we try to fix problems where they are not, outside of the mind and on the screen of this world, but problems all originate in our own minds. For example, I may be holding thoughts of conflict in my mind, but now I see the conflict in my relationships in the world. Working with the outside picture of my inward condition will not solve my problems in my relationships. The only solution is to take responsibility for the inner conflict in me, and bring it to healing. Then my seemingly external problems will not be experienced as conflict. I will see everything as love or a call for love. Healing requires I return to the real source of my problem, which is the guilt in my mind. " Ideas leave not their source." (W.167.3.6) This is a central idea in the Course, meaning that to understand anything in the Course, we must understand everything originates in the mind. Therefore, it only makes sense to go back to the mind, which is the only place healing can occur. We have the power within to choose to see every situation, including death, differently.
When we are not supremely happy, peaceful, and joyful, we have denied the life we are. We have denied God. We have affirmed death. We have affirmed there is something other than God, and other than His perfect Oneness, there could be something other than Life and there could be something other than Love. How could there be something other? We need to see that anything unlike supreme happiness is not the truth, but we need not deny any emotions that show up in our experience. This would be inappropriate denial. We are called to recognize the experience and then are invited by Jesus to see its unreality. We have a choice in what we do with the thoughts and emotions that show up. We have the power to choose to see everything from a different perspective. We are not victims of external circumstances. While we do experience the many forms of death on a continual basis in our seemingly human condition, we can bring them to awareness and go through the fear to the love. When we change the cause (our minds), the effects are gone.

We need to bring awareness to all of the feelings that deny our reality---the anxiety, the sadness, the anger, the sighs, the suffering, the anxiety, the feelings of loss and pain, all of the feelings we can trace to beliefs we hold. It is not helpful to just dismiss these feelings with the statement, "It is all an illusion." It is true they are an  illusion, but as long as we experience pain, suffering and loss, our minds are still attracted to guilt. By denying our thoughts and feelings, we are choosing to keep them. Bringing them to the loving light of truth is how we heal. Anything that we conceal or deny, we are actively choosing to keep from healing. In this way, we are insisting we are right about the way we see the situation and our thoughts and feelings are now justified.

I find sometimes I stubbornly hold onto my anger and justify my suffering. Jesus says this is what our attraction to death and our investment in being right is all about. These thoughts seem to have a life of their own, but this is not so, since they need our consent and agreement. The thoughts we hold can feel tenacious and obsessive, as if we do not have a choice about what we are experiencing. They seem to have quite a hold on our minds when we are experiencing events in our lives that are distressful. Yet the events are, in and of themselves, just neutral. It is our thoughts about them and our interpretations that bring the distress. The whole point of this teaching is we have the power and the help of the Holy Spirit and our mighty companions to change our minds about the way we see anything that seems to be happening to us. The miracle is behind every seemingly distressing situation waiting for our acceptance. And with the miracle, our perception of the events we previously found distressful is shifted.

Our distressing thoughts are the veil that keep us from knowing the truth about ourselves. The truth is already in us. It is our own dark thoughts that keep the truth of who we are from our awareness. When we are willing to be honest and have the courage to look at them only then can they be released. This undeniably requires tremendous honesty, openness, non-defensiveness, courage and most of all, willingness. We are masters at denial. As long as we identify with the self we think we are, we will be continually defending this character in the mistaken belief we need to protect this false image.

We have not left the mind of God since we are still an idea in His mind. It is not possible we can take on different characteristics than those of God except in the illusion. We think we can take on qualities that are apart from our Source (God) and we can be different from our original design specs. It does seem to us we have qualities God does not have, and we are a body, separate from God, but this can't be, any more than we can be a victim of outside circumstances. There are no outside circumstances. Everything originates in our minds and, by the same token, we originate in God's Mind and therefore we can't be anything He is not.

Jesus tells us we can't really be asleep in this dream, since God is awake. How could we be something God is not? Yet we seem to be asleep, unaware of the truth of our being. Thus, the whole journey is about awakening from the sleep into which we seem to have fallen. Yet because God's Mind, where we are, is not asleep, our seeming state of sleep cannot be true. Since ideas leave not their source, and God is awake Mind, this has to be our state as well. To be in a state of sleep is to take on properties that God does not have.

Jesus says ideas " can go far beyond themselves. But they can not give birth to what was never given them." (W.167.5.4-5) Ideas in the mind can only seem to wander beyond the mind and seem to exist outside of the mind. In this dream, ideas seem to have gone beyond themselves by making this world, but that does not make it real. The ego has no life, and can't give birth to life. This is not easy for us to understand. Our experience seems different from this, yet the reality is that " It [the mind] cannot make a body, nor abide within a body." (W.167.6.3) We do experience ourselves as separate from God, seemingly living in a body and in the world. We believe that all of this is real, but thinking that this is true does not make it so. We can think what we want, but we can't establish reality. Within the dream, the mind can make a body, but it can't make the body real anymore than in our night time sleep. When we are dreaming, we make real the figures and the situations in that dream. If we never woke up from our night time dream, they would seem to be our reality. When we do awaken, we know that the people and events in the dream were not real, even though we thought they were. The source of the body is the ego, but it is not a real source. What seems to die is the body, but the body is just a thought in the mind. The body and the physical world were not made by Spirit, which is the only real Source there is.
" The opposite of life can only be another form of life." (W.167.7.1) The body is just the symbol of the sleeping mind. Through the illusion of forgiveness, what has been made that is untrue is released, and now we seem to come to a reflection of Heaven, which is the real world. Forgiveness is still part of the illusion, as there is nothing that needs forgiveness. It is an illusion that leads to the end of illusions. The truth is that there is nothing to forgive because nothing has happened. To our minds, something has happened and now we seem to be sleeping. Through forgiveness, the mind is awakened to the reflection of God's truth.
It is death that to us seems to be the opposite of life, but it is only sleep. " What seems to be the opposite of life is merely sleeping." (W.167.9.1) We have simply fallen asleep, dreaming of what has never occurred. This is why, in the Course, forgiveness is about seeing that what your brother did to you has never happened. Nothing here is real. The best we can do here is reflect reality. What forgiveness does is reflect God's Love in this world. In the world of time, things seem to happen and people seem to hurt us, but when we get that it has not really happened and is only our dream, then all forms of death are put in perspective as having no real meaning. They are all actually nothing. This puts everything into a renewed perspective when we reflect deeply on what is being said. It means that everything that we think and believe about our lives here and who we are is wrong. Admitting we are wrong in the way we perceive is a big step in learning.
Jesus asks us to accept our heritage. " Let us today be children of the truth, and not deny our holy heritage. Our life is not as we imagine it." (W.167.10.1-2) These are actually encouraging thoughts. All of our seeming problems are of our imagination. All of our sadness, suffering, and distress of any kind is just a form of death that is not the truth. He asks us not to let these " imagined opposites to life" (W.167.10.5) stay with us even an instant, remembering instead that we were given only life eternal by God Himself. Our practice today is all about remembering this truth and keeping our minds in a state of holiness as " He established it." (W.167.11.1) With vigilance, we can truly do that. We can watch the thoughts that are forms of death and be willing to have them released, remembering that they are not the truth about us. The ultimate goal is to know our own perfection and to perfectly reflect the " Lord of Life," (W.167.12.3) until the illusion is no more.
Today, when you are tempted to see someone as separate and the thought system of the ego as real, and when you attack, criticize, get angry, or blame anyone, it is just an attempt to see your own guilt outside of your own mind, believing that ideas can leave their source. Today is another opportunity to choose to release these blocks to the vision of the Holy Spirit, until the illusion is no more.
Love and blessings, Sarah

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A Course in Miracles 


Chapter Fifteen

V. Practicing the Holy Instant

35 This course is not beyond immediate learning unless you prefer to believe that what God wills takes time. And this means only that you would rather delay the recognition that His Will is so. The holy instant is this one and every one. The one you want it to be it is. The one you would not have it be is lost to you. You must decide on when it is. Delay it not. For beyond the past and future, in which you will not find it, it stands in shimmering readiness for your acceptance. Yet you cannot bring it into glad awareness while you do not want it, for it holds the whole release from littleness.


36 Your practice must therefore rest upon your willingness to let all littleness go. The instant in which magnitude will dawn upon you is but as far away as your desire for it. As long as you desire it not and cherish littleness instead, by so much is it far from you. By so much as you want it will you bring it nearer. Think not that you can find salvation in your own way and have it. Give over every plan that you have made for your salvation in exchange for God's. His will content you, and there is nothing else that can bring you peace. For peace is of God and of no one beside Him.


37 Be humble before Him and yet great in Him. And value no plan of the ego before the plan of God. For you leave empty your place in His plan, which you must fulfill if you would join with me, by your decision to join in any plan but His. I call you to fulfill your holy part in the plan that He has given to the world for its release from littleness. God would have His host abide in perfect freedom. Every allegiance to a plan of salvation that is apart from Him diminishes the value of His Will for you in your own minds. And yet it is your mind that is the host to Him.


38 Would you learn how perfect and immaculate is the holy altar on which your Father has placed Himself? This you will recognize in the holy instant in which you willingly and gladly give over every plan but His. For there lies peace, perfectly clear because you have been willing to meet its conditions. You can claim the holy instant any time and anywhere you want it. In your practice, try to give over every plan you have accepted for finding magnitude in littleness. It is not there. Use the holy instant only to recognize that you alone cannot know where it is and can only deceive yourself.


39 I stand within the holy instant, as clear as you would have me. And the extent to which you learn to be willing to accept me is the measure of the time in which the holy instant will be yours. I call to you to make the holy instant yours at once, for the release from littleness in the mind of the host of God depends on willingness and not on time. The reason why this course is simple is that truth is simple. Complexity is of the ego and is nothing more than the ego's attempt to obscure the obvious.


40 You could live forever in the holy instant, beginning now and reaching to eternity, but for a very simple reason. Do not obscure the simplicity of this reason, for if you do, it will be only because you prefer not to recognize it and not to let it go. The simple reason, simply stated, is this: The holy instant is a time in which you receive and give perfect communication. This means, however, that it is a time in which your mind is open, both to receive and give. It is the recognition that all minds are in communication. It therefore seeks to change nothing, but merely to accept everything.


41 How can you do this when you would prefer to have private thoughts and keep them? The only way you could do that is to deny the perfect communication that makes the holy instant what it is. You believe that it is possible to harbor thoughts you would not share and that salvation lies in keeping your thoughts to yourself alone. For in private thoughts, known only to yourself, you think you find a way to keep what you would have alone and share what you would share. And then you wonder why it is that you are not in full communication with those around you and with God Who surrounds all of you together.


42 Every thought you would keep hidden shuts communication off because you would have it so. It is impossible to recognize perfect communication while breaking communication holds value to you. Ask yourselves honestly, "Would I want to have perfect communication, and am I wholly willing to let everything that interferes with it go forever?" If the answer is no, then the Holy Spirit's readiness to give it to you is not enough to make it yours, for you are not ready to share it with Him. And it cannot come into a mind that has decided to oppose it. For the holy instant is given and received with equal willingness, being the acceptance of the single Will that governs all thought.


43  The necessary condition for the holy instant does not require that you have no thoughts which are not pure. But it does require that you have none that you would keep. Innocence is not of your making. It is given you the instant you would have it. Yet it would not be Atonement if there were no need for Atonement. You will not be able to accept perfect communication as long as you would hide it from yourself. For what you would hide is hidden from you.


44 In your practice, then, try only to be vigilant against deception and seek not to protect the thoughts you would keep unto yourself. Let the Holy Spirit's purity shine them away and bring all your awareness to the readiness for purity He offers you. Thus will He make you ready to acknowledge that you are host to God and hostage to no one and nothing.



ACIM OE TX. CH 15, V    


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