The Matrix of Our True Beloved - the grandest love affair we can ever know - with Jasmuheen

Everyone wants to have the grandest love affair, to be loved fully and purely and to know how to access and experience this love - this has been Jasmuheen's lifelong passion and field of experimentation ... here she shares from her hear more deeply about the field of pure potential and the nourishing energy of the true beloved ... to listen YouTube Video - Audio Insights

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Our Enlightening Evolution 
Our Enlightening Evolution
Mushrooming and Merging 

It is so interesting to scan through the fields of Earth and to sense what is happening now regarding the merging of various paradigms. The Coding for this has been in place and adopted, released in the fields and so there's a new level of evolution unfolding now in our world that is rather quite enlightening. When well thought through codes are in place after having been agreed upon and anchored, locked in, then pronounced into being, then it is a time of just stepping back a little and allowing what needs to occur to occur. This is just part of a natural merging process that is required when two paradigms are magnetised together and begin to blend into each other and harmonise with each other.

Whether this paradigm is about the merging of our own higher and lower natures into that state of Divine Marriage with the True Beloved, or whether it is the merging of earth back into more unified paradigms of true unity consciousness; a harmonious merge require focus and clarity plus good Coding.

The ability for different paradigms of reality to merge is an interesting science to compute and behold and after the initial attraction and lock in and triggering stage, a merging comes in to a state that we often call the mushrooming. It's almost the same as if when you have a clear pond of water with mud at the bottom and you stir it all up and it all becomes swirly and mushrooming and muddy as if there is no clear direction. I also call this a state of being discombobulated because during this phase it is still not one thing or the other as everything blends together to create something new.

What is so interesting is that in this phase of mushrooming and merging there is nothing to do except to just really stay detached and be fully present in the moment and listen to what feels right deep within ourselves in the core of our being, to tune to what it is our heart of hearts is saying, and what our essence energy is sharing.

Right now it is all about alignment to our Pure Essence channel ... How much are we feeling this vital life-force? Is it strong or within us or is it wishy-washy? Is it weak or clear or are we a little confused? Are we feeling discombobulated or has clarity come? Will it come? When will it come? These are questions that more and more seem to be seeking answers to especially those of us who have been feeling a little more of that discombobulated state that they usually do. For more click here ... 

Living Off Energy - movie trailer - new documentary!
Living off Energy
Loved watching this new documentary - so good to see more of these and to enjoy all those who shared their stories ... so here is a
Brief trailer to the fabulous new movie Living off Energy We Are Energy ...
A Viliam Poltikovi? film on pranic nourishment People start to appear almost next to us now who don't need to accept solid food since
the omnipresent energy of the Universe is totally enough for them to live on. Living without food is both unbelievable and inadmissible for a plenty of persons though. We do still know very little however about human potentialities. Long-standing protagonists of this way of nutrition in the world - Jasmuheen from Australia and Henri Monfort from France - are depicted in this movie which shows
also a young couple from Ecuador that has given birth to two children under these circumstances already and two Czech women too who have been living like this for some two years. The film's aim is to present the topic seen in a wide scope.
To see this wonderful documentary & buy your copy contact
Ivana M?kotov?

Our Regenerating Gatherings

In this brief video, Jasmuheen discusses her gatherings and retreats - being with like-minded people, relaxing and regenerating, inspiring, being inspired...
To view this now ...
then tune in and come - ask to receive all you need to achieve all that is in your heart of hearts!

Sacred Stories of Transformation - brief audio insight.
How one woman's life was healed in just one afternoon of right brain creative process activity and Essence Eyes Insight!
June, 2015

Its June and wintertime where I live yet it still feels like summer - warm days, beautiful sea breezes, amazing sunrises and sunsets that literally leave us in awe at the beauty of mother nature.
In darkroom this year I connected again with the Council of Twelve who informed me that my work at this point in human evolution was to introduce more of Inter-dimensional energy field science - what I call the Science of I.D. - and my response to their invitation was to ask that they download to me and through me the perfect flow of this that most benefits our evolving world.
Wow! What has been flowing through is so fascinating as they are using the Shamballa Matrix as an example of how this science works; how to align to this Matrix and dwell within it ... plus the specific coding to do this. So it will be wonderful to add this into our tour time thus year!
The last few weeks saw us in China connecting with the Bigu Network and meeting so many amazing people in both Shanghai and Beijing and we provide a brief insight to this here along with many images of our visit on our FaceBook page ( Click here to see).
We also managed some studio time recording three new meditations that are so relevant to this new energy time on earth and you can see more on these below!
We hope this newsletter finds you well and taking time to nurture yourself which we all seem to need these days!
As we mentioned last newsletter, we would love to see you at our regenerating gatherings this year - from our upcoming Sacred Art Retreat in Marbella, to the Pranic Festival in the USA in August as well as our usual retreat in Germany and all the places we will be including our Embassy of Peace Retreat in Sardinia then India and Brazil!
And of course there is the inner plane where we can all enjoy silent stillness and heartfelt connections no matter where we are in this physical world!

Wishing you all so much love, light and barrels of laughter! Big hugs Jasmuheen and Anjie ...

The Cosmic Switchboard
It is so interesting the different stages that we go through in our own awakening process. For me right now I find myself being given photographic-type images as a message if there is something for me to understand. This began not too long ago when I'd injured my right arm from over-extending myself and not resting after I had damaged one of my tendons as I asked how this had come into being and the best way to heal it. I found my body giving me little snapshots, photos of my past experiences one on top of the other just to show me how the damage was just a wear and tear accumulation factor that had resulted in the need for me to completely slow down.

This has extended itself now to understanding more of the workings of the higher light science and interdimensional energy field science and how reality is not static at all, how the universe only comes alive with our focus upon it and how we are plugged into certain zones because of our own identification and expectation.

I was recently given the understanding and the sense that in timelessness, in the eternal now, that we exist almost in the circular energy tube where there are millions of doors around us - or energy line extensions all flowing out into different circuitries of expression, or levels of expression within creation. This is such an interesting analogy because it was followed quite quickly with the idea of the old fashioned switchboard connecter when someone would make a telephone call to a central source who would then switch them through to a number of their choosing, or a connection of their choice, and that is the reality we are being asked to hold now regarding what is available to us in inter-dimensional living.

So often I find myself about to step into a reality field knowing that it is a consequence of all my expectations and yet then seeing how I can immediately step into timelessness, unplug myself from that circuitry, from that reality board and plug myself into one that I feel maybe more conducive to the experience I want to step into, for everything is available within creation, everything is just a layer, a rhythm, a vibration.

It's so nice to have this clarity that no future is set, nothing is set, everything is existing as a field of possibility and potential in the eternal now, in the pure essence baseline and everything will rise according to our mental and emotional energy fields around a situation.

One of the keys for the execution of plugging /unplugging/re-plugging into different levels in the circuitry board of creation is this necessity to be in the eternal now; and also the necessity to come into a level of absolute detachment where all the fields of potential that are for us can be revealed. When we are fixated in a particular layer of reality or flow, when our senses are always set to the externalised parameters, always looking outside of ourselves, then this detachment and the ability to see multiple fields of reality, this ability to let go of all realities and just open to see the alternate multi-dimensional fields cannot be revealed.

Meditation and the lifestyle we share about at the Embassy, these are there for us to be able experience a more effective level of detachment via self-mastery and self-responsibility - where of course we know that reality is of our own creation. This can also reveal that there are a gazillion realities that we can tune to and that we all have the ability to unplug and re-plug to different layers within the matrix.

This also requires that we step back and open to honest evaluation regarding our current life and how it's operating from the choices, the dominate feeling and thinking patterns we hold and to also then assess what we intuitively feels is the next step of what we wish to experience within the interdimensional, multi-dimensional landscape that we all dwell in. Knowing and experiencing all of this makes it so much easier to catch myself focusing on limited realities and to then reprogram into the field that feels more supportive to life's creative flow. 

And so as I sit here on a balcony over the ocean watching the sun rise, I feel again so blessed to be able to see the many ways that life can be seen, these snapshots of reality, these visions that come, prompting us to understand things from a completely different viewpoint and in the understanding of a different viewpoint to then make heartfelt choices that reflect this new consciousness and awareness.

Love to you all - Jasmuheen 
The Shamballa Matrix
The Shamballa Matrix and the True Beloved  

with Jasmuheen


People dream of what is Shamballa? What is true peace on Earth? What is Heaven on Earth? What does this look like? and these dreamers are also our coders because they're strengthening the coding, that is there in the bodies of light, by the human heart's desire for a deeper experience of this. And yet it is only in the field of the true beloved, that field of pure infinite potential that we can see the bigger picture reality and recognise the pathways into it and have the wisdom and the understanding of the fields and of quantum physics and M theory, neuroscience and all the supporting science that is also permeating this field and making it stronger and more real. Yes the Shamballa Matrix is here - and yes we can align to it and step into it now!

As we open to experience the purer flows of true unity consciousness on Earth and leave behind the density of duality, so much begins to be revealed to us, for that is the nature of the field of infinite love and wisdom that when we seek we find, when we open to experience we will. Especially when what we seek to experience is for the highest good of human evolution.

To simply ask this field to reveal a deep experience of true unity consciousness on Earth sets up a magnetic attractor pattern for us to come into that realm and yet the Shamballa matrix has so many levels within it. Yes one of its aspects is true unity consciousness and the experience of this, another is the experience of the energy of the True Beloved, a pulsation that can be strong or weak within or around us depending on our focus upon It.

This energy of the true beloved has the ability to wash itself out from the heart chakra and bathe the human system in an energy that sets us free from so many limitations regarding the paradigm of love. By taking us back to that infinite flow of pure, pure love that gave birth to all of creation we are so satiated on so many levels that our human relationships and the dynamics of these change, setting those around us free from any limited expectations that we may have had of ourselves and others, by aligning us to the Source of pure love within and allowing us to love all around us unconditionally.

That flow of unconditional love delivers such freedom to us all, for it becomes a fertilising agent from which we can grow and blossom. When we project our limited human expectations regarding love onto each other it is, and has, the opposite effect of blossoming, in fact many tend to shrink, for a human system is unable to fulfil the longing that each one has for true love-pure love unless we too are anchored into the flows of this source of love.

The True Beloved energy has so much to deliver to a human system and through a human system that is in essence so liberating for us all. This is one flavour that is flowing through the Shamballa Matrix, as is the rhythm of pure contentment, permanent peace and all the virtues that are available for a human system to be bathed within.

The Shamballa Matrix itself also - when fully arisen and aligned to within and around us - has the ability of course to nourish the human system in such a different way that we are, as a side benefit of this or a by-product of this alignment, made free from all human hungers. In the Shamballa Matrix pulse of the True Beloved, of true unity consciousness, everything becomes a pleasure rather than a necessity. The flavour of life is different, our hungers absent themselves, as we feel permanently satisfied by this matrix.

There is so much of course we can share of the Shamballa Matrix pulse and yet day by day as we seek to step deeper into it, as we open to its field of pure potential, more can be revealed to each one of us according to what it is we need to experience of this dimension.

To say and proclaim that Shamballa matrix is fully present on Earth is an understatement and yet again its keys of entry are very specific - alignment via our lifestyle, time spent in silence, solitude, contemplation, stillness, these are all keys of entry for us now. As is the sincere hearted desire to experience all that the Shamballa energy field, that permeates Earth, contains.

Yet we must also come into a point where we are done with the games of duality yet can unconditionally love and appreciate duality and its dimension of learning as well. It is what it is, there is nothing to change within the dimension of duality, for it functions perfectly for what it offers in the learning spectrum.

And yet when we come to a point where we can sincerely say 'ok I'm done with the games of duality now, let me experience the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, let me experience the Shamballa Matrix, let me step fully in Buddha's Pure Land' or whatever we label this now to be; when we are really ready for this, only then can the realities contained within Shamballa's Matrix be fully revealed. Yet to align and access this experientially is also a matter of right brain activation, of clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentience ability to be aware of this subtle yet empowering dimensional flow. Again how we choose to spend our time is always one of the major keys for alignment to what the infinite field of pure potential can offer, for lifestyle determines our personal resonance field and how the field of pure potential responds.


This is Jasmuheen for the Embassy of Peace sharing a little on the Shamballa matrix and its time of revelation on Earth.


Jasmuheen will be one of the keynote speakers at the GCSS in Pyramid valley Bangalore where her theme and supporting meditations will be alignment and entry into the Shamballa Matrix of the True Beloved and Buddha's Pureland. 2015 GCSS dates - 1st-4th October 2015


3 NEW meditations that are current for our time!

Best Version Essence Self Coding Meditation - In the higher light science coding is the practice of changing evolutionary direction for either ourselves as a system of energy or our planet. Both are powerful yet the words must be intoned with pure-hearted, sincere-hearted intention. We have so many different versions of ourselves which constantly change according to what we give our time and attention to and it's so nice to love unconditionally all versions of ourselves. Our human self is so perfect in its way and yet when we put our attention on the divine self within us it will blossom and grow and radiate the perfect frequencies through us to realign all aspects of our nature back to its pure and perfect divine rhythm. The background angelic tones are designed to activate the light-body to another level, to reform or format neural pathways to stimulate another level of light-body activation - best version essence self - within us.
To download this wonderfully dynamic meditation and receive a bonus Angelic Soundscape click here ; also Free video introduction

Lightbody Revelation - Revitalization & Healing Meditation, unzipping our true nature. For a few years I had been asking that intelligent infinite awareness for a simple way for people to experience that energy that breathes us, that is within us all, so that they could sense how powerfully it exists within and how it can nourish us all so easily - physically, emotionally, mentally and also spiritually so that we are free from human hunger.
It was fortunate and no coincidence that in India I met the beautiful Nina Brown, who shared a little of this technique in a meditation at our annual Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists. I asked her later where it came from and she said the idea came from the movie Cocoon, some of you may be familiar with this, these beautiful beings of light who were wrapped in a human form or suit. As I began to play with this idea, travelling around the world it became so different to what Nina originally introduced and we found ourselves working with many groups all around the world with each group adding a little more as the group divinity channelled through us all.
We hope you enjoy this following meditation for it has an ability to reveal our true nature and yes nourish us and if required even heal our physical body system or just revitalize and strengthen it.
To discover more and / or download this fabulous and powerful meditation with its bonus soundscape click here.

Enlightening Evolution - our New Support Team - Meditation

Welcome to our meditation and focus on and Enlightening Evolution and our new support teams that are revealing themselves on the inner plane, for those in deep meditation.

We have entered into a time now of the most enlightening evolutionary path that we have ever experienced before on Earth. At the closing of the chapter of 2012 new energy patterns have begun to emerge on Earth, deep in the heart of hearts so many of Earth have chosen now to live in harmony and peace and while they may not be sure how, it is still their hearts desire and so new pathways are being revealed.

Of course the most enlightening evolution will come as we come back into alignment with our true nature and allow it to guide us, to reveal its wisdom, love, power and gifts. Yet we also have support, inter-dimensionally and multi-dimensionally, beings of light, spirit guides, and guardian angels of course all of whom are just expressions of our own enlightened essence nature, expressed in a slightly different vibrational frequency band.

This meditation connects you with these ones and allows you to sense more about your current purpose on earth in this new chapter of a more enlightened evolution! 

To discover more and / or download this revelational meditation click here.

Enchanted Kingdoms ...

Enchanted Kingdom Series - Book Review - by Akasha

It's been a subject of wonder for me for some time, since becoming consciously aware of the delta fields of potential and the Akashic matrix of existence, if it would be possible to write a fictional account of their incorporation into human culture of the future and if so how it would be done. It seemed a topic too complex to even consider broaching myself. It was therefore with great pleasure (and relief!) that I came across Jasmuheen's Enchanted Trilogy series, and realised they were books exactly on the subject I was looking for.
The expansion of human awareness into the fields, and their potential to explode and totally revolutionise and harmonise human culture and our existence on mother Gaia and beyond is immense, and Jasmuheen has been utterly brave and forthright in her account of the ways that humans can interact with these higher worlds and how they may interact with us in return. I can't think of another author who could have covered the subject so exhaustively, inspiringly, or convincingly.
Reading the Enchanted Kingdom series is like an exclusive hotseat in on the sacred teachings of the mysteries as they have been taught through millennia, and beyond that envisages, and makes manifest, the mysteries as they are being discovered and taught right now by those on the very edge of spiritual exploration. Priceless gems of learning and wisdom literally abound for those willing to put aside their disbelief and have the minds, and hearts, to appreciate what is possible, right now, for an empowered and conscious humanity.
The stories roll as if they were channelled from a higher source themselves, with engaging characters, multilayered plots, and heart-rending romances. These books are no mere fantasy - they are science fiction, except that what Jasmuheen writes about isn't the future - people are doing what she tells of right now, in this world, so that the new world isn't just dawning - it's already here. These books just aren't history making - they are history itself, an untold history, until now, unfolding as we speak
My heart is full of the deepest thanks that Jasmuheen has put pen to paper yet again and shared these teaching straight from her heart to ours. Akasha Rainbow, author of Awaken the Flame (forthcoming)
Thanks Akasha - to find out more about this series - click here

Tour Time ... love to see you there!


MARBELLA - 5 day SACRED ART RETREAT - venue ... 10th-14th June. Organiser - Elena - email:  [email protected]

FRANCE - 18th June 2015 - Thursday evening event in Paris then our usual RETREAT - 19th -23nd June 2015. Organiser: Sophie Testut - e-mail:  [email protected]

GREECE, CYPRUS, Nicosia  - 3-5th July. Organiser - Mikaela - [email protected]

GERMANY - 8th-12th July. Organiser: Maria Agostini, [email protected];;   Ph: +49 (0) 8807 - 8322  


Pranic Festival USA - a fabulous discount for you!
Pranic Festival video invitation with Jasmuheen sharing a little on the upcoming Pranic Festival - USA - 8th-10th August 2015 - San Francisco, California - August 2015 Hosted by Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan & The School of Dan Tian Wellnes - email [email protected] for more OR you can also go to and to receive a great discount type in " Jas111 " discount code when booking - love to see you there!
Embassy of Peace & the Self Empowerment Academy |
+61 7 5445 6075 (Fax only) |

Emails: [email protected] | [email protected]

Our Postal Address: P.O. Box 1754, Buderim, 4556 Australia