Dear Friend,
I think this past Sunday was a great!  We were a bit crowded at the beginning of our Youth Forum time with almost 50 students, but it was good and we're off to a great start! 
We are planning a Lock-In for the evening of 11/1/14.  All the female chaperone spots are full; however, we still need 2 male chaperones.  We cannot have this event with these slots empty.  Please consider joining us for this fun event!  (The link is below)
Thank you for your support and willingness to try new things, meet new friends and explore some really great topics.  It just gets better from here!
~God's Peace,
Duana Cisney


PS:  The "Holy Grounds" gift card winners need to collect!  Come see me when you're here.

Week at a Glance:
Today (9/10):  Youth Group (Face2Face)
6:30 - 8:00pm in the Youth Room (#170)
*6:00 - 8:00pm:  "A Sacred Space"
Check out Grace Chapel if you are an adult with a student involved in one of the ministries around the church on Wednesday evenings.
Thursday (9/11) Austin ISD High Schools, first "Late Day"
School begins one hour late. (Check on your school to be sure you're participating in this)
Sunday (9/7): Youth Forums
10:25 - 11:10 grades 6th - 12th. All begin in the Youth Room (#170)
*12:30 - 1:30:  Youth Lunch
Since Joyful Noise rehearsal is at 1:45, let's go to lunch before singing at Trinity Streets.
Meet Duana in the lobby of the church after the last service and we'll walk to somewhere downtown.  Bring $10 to cover cost.  (If you need help with that, let me know)
September 14, 2014
10:25am - 11:10am
Youth Forums
Room #170
September 17, 2014
6:30 - 8:00pm
Youth Group
Room #170
Cross Words
Beginning this week at St. David's, we have set aside Grace Chapel as a place where adults can come and be quiet.  People are invited to bring a book of their own, or nothing; to follow along in the prayer guide provided or do their own prayer.  Either way, it is 'A Sacred Space' set aside in the busy-ness of life to just be quiet.
Consider this:
"Be still, and know that I am God!"
And this:
"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."
Ps: 46:10a & Matthew 11:28


When do you set aside time to just "be"?  To be quiet and away from all noise and distractions?  To refresh yourself and your spirit? 


I invite you to find a quiet spot this week to feel God's presence with you.
Praying for you A Sacred Space this week...

Youth "All Saints'"
November 1st
This will be a time to hang out with friends for a fun evening including a digital scavenger hunt...with prizes!

You must register to participate at:  MyStDavids
We need adult volunteers for this.

Serve others in a 'clean' way with


 On Sept. 25, we'll join with other members of St. David's to serve our community. 


Click here for details.



 Amy Moenke

for details or questions. 




It's time to begin to think about planning for our 2015 mission work and that means planning our first fundraiser.


We will begin around mid-October with a holiday fundraiser.  Please be on the lookout for information and ways you can engage!


If you can help coordinate this, please contact Duana.


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