Holy Comforter 
Student Ministries Update

Check out what Holy Comforter Youth have been up to recently...
Pumpkin decorating, October 2014
Acolyte Party, December 2014
We had a blast making Christmas cookies and sharing lunch. This is the first of what we hope will be regular social events for the acolyte teams. Our goal: to have fun and to get to know each other outside our acolyte duties on Sunday morningsOptional Link
Confirmation Trip to National Cathedral
The HC Confirmation Class took a trip to the National Cathedral on December 14, 2014. This trip is one of several over the course of the class. We want to give the youth an opportunity to experience differing styles of worship. In a few weeks we are heading to a Jewish Synagogue to experience Sabbath there.  Optional Link
Jr. High Caroling Party, December 2014
An HC Youth shares about giving back to the community

It's the holiday season, and 7th and 8th Grade Youth Group are all meeting at Denis's house to depart for our annual Caroling for Shut-Ins Trip.  I arrive, carrying my gift for the White Elephant gift party later on.  Mother Margaret reminds us that the people we are going to sing to are elderly and don't get out of their homes much.  She told us that this isn't just a "Sing-and-go" quick trip, but that we should spend time with them and bring them holiday cheer.  Soon after we all gather and sort ourselves into the three different cars, picking up the song packet while we leave.  We pull up to the first house, and luckily, it is still a little light out (Considering Daylight Savings), and the woman let us inside.  

Though I cannot remember what songs we sang, I can clearly remember her reaction.  It was pleasing to see that our holiday cheer and caroling was bringing smiles to her face.  I myself enjoyed it when she began to sing along with us, and I could tell that she was having fun.  As we left and departed for the next house, that's when I realized how much it means to all of the people we visit.  That's when I really understood the meaning of Mother Margaret's reminder. 


     We visited four more houses, singing Christmas carols and having wonderful visits.  In every house, I could see their faces light up.  Whenever we asked, "Do you have a favorite Christmas carol?" the reply was always, "I love them all!"  I found this sort of funny that everyone answered the same.  I really appreciated how some folks let us in their house to get away from the chilly air outside.  One woman gave us cookies that were delicious!  I believe that after being cooped up in their homes, we came and created special memories that they will always treasure.  In review, my two years of Christmas caroling have had a great impact on me and on the people we visited.   





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