In every man there is the heart of a warrior. Men were created with that desire to stand for what's true. It's what happens when a little boy is being bullied and he automatically begins to ball his fist up in response. He may not punch back but there's a fight within him that is saying enough is enough. Of course he has to learn to control his anger but that doesn't mean he withholds his voice or his efforts.
Manhood in Crisis
Unfortunately we live in a time where our culture is trying to reshape men to be more like women. Men are encouraged to be gentler, kinder, more passive and softer. The fact is God made us different for a reason. No matter what culture does in an attempt to rewire a man there is still that warrior's heart looking for something to stand for, something to fight for and in the process be the man he was created to be. Men who have lost anything to fight for become stagnant, frustrated & ineffective. Deep down as a man something is missing. Know any frustrated men?
So what are you willing to fight for? Who are you willing to stand up against for the sake of something true & righteous? What's "off limits" and shouldn't be discussed? Politics? Religion? Honesty? Manhood? Your marriage? Your children? Your neighborhood? What's worth fighting for no matter what people think of you? Better yet is it worth it?
Join us @ THE CORE this Friday as we look at the warrior within a man and the heart of the fight. Doesn't matter if you've never thrown a punch or you have the scars to count each fight, there is something and someone worth the fight. See you in the ring!