A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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What is Creation?
Daily Lesson 330
Sarah's Reflections
TEXT CH 31, 62-67
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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
5 of 5 stars
A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.
In the beginning it tells us, "This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean
you can establish the curric...

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Course in Miracles Society (CIMS) is an international group of Course students and teachers organized to discover, authenticate and propagate the Divine Teachings of A Course in Miracles.


As students, we seek to increase our knowledge of Jesus' words and to deepen our experience of His teachings.

As teachers, we work to circulate the message of
A Course in Miracles throughout the world by our words, by our deeds, and by the example of our lives.

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VI. Recognizing the Spirit

Are you a spirit, deathless and without the promise of corruption and the stain of sin upon you? So the world is seen as stable, fully worthy of your trust; a happy place to rest in for a while, where nothing need be feared but only loved. Who is unwelcome to the kind in heart? And what could hurt the truly innocent? Your will be done, you holy Child of God. It does not matter if you think you are in earth or Heaven. What your Father wills for you can never change. The truth in you remains as radiant as a star, as pure as light, as innocent as Love Itself. And you are worthy that your will be done! 

What Is Creation?  
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio


What is 'Iambic Pentameter'? 

   Creation is the sum of all God's Thoughts,

   in number infinite, and everywhere

   without all limit. Only Love creates,

   and only like Itself. There was no time

   when all that It created was not there.

   Nor will there be a time when anything

   that It created suffers any change.

   Forever and forever are God's Thoughts

   exactly as They were and as They are,

   unchanged through time and after time is done.


   God's Thoughts are given all the power that

   Their own Creator has. For He would add

   to Love by Its extension. Thus His Son

   shares in creation, and must therefore share

   in power to create. What God has willed

   to be forever one will still be one

   when time is over; and will not be changed

   throughout the course of time, remaining as

   it was before the thought of time began.


   Creation is the opposite of all

   illusions, for Creation is the truth.

   Creation is the holy Son of God,

   for in Creation is His Will complete

   in every aspect, making every part

   container of the whole. Its oneness is

   forever guaranteed inviolate;

   forever held within His holy Will

   beyond all possibility of harm,

   of separation, imperfection and

   of any spot upon its sinlessness.


   We are creation; we the Sons of God.

   We seem to be discrete and unaware

   of our eternal unity with Him.

   Yet back of all our doubts, past all our fears,

   there still is certainty. For Love remains

   with all Its Thoughts, Its sureness being Theirs.

   God's memory is in our holy minds,

   which know their oneness, and their unity

   with their Creator. Let our function be

   only to let this memory return,

   only to let God's Will be done on earth,

   only to be restored to sanity,

   and to be but as God created us.


   Our Father calls to us. We hear His Voice,

   and we forgive creation in the Name

   of its Creator, Holiness Itself,

   Whose holiness His own creation shares;

   Whose holiness is still a part of us.


   ~ Original Hand Script of ACIM    


ACIM Lessons  

L e s s o n  330
I will not hurt myself again today.   



Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

   Let us this day accept forgiveness as

   our only function. Why should we attack

   our minds, and give them images of pain?

   Why should we teach them they are powerless,

   when God holds out His power and His Love,

   and bids them take what is already theirs?

   The mind that is made willing to accept

   God's gifts has been restored to Spirit, and

   extends its freedom and its joy, as is

   the Will of God, united with its own.

   The Self Which God created cannot sin,

   and therefore cannot suffer. Let us choose

   today that He be our Identity,

   and thus escape forever from all things

   the dream of fear appears to offer us

    Father, Your Son can not be hurt. And if

    we think we suffer, we but fail to know

    our one Identity we share with You.

    We would return to It today, to be

    made free forever from all our mistakes,

    and to be saved from what we thought we were.


    ~ Original Hand-script of ACIM          


ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 

ACIM Edmonton, CA

Lesson 330
I will not hurt myself again today.
Sarah's Commentary:

I am going to do something a little different today and look at what each line is saying in this lesson. Sometimes we do that in our gatherings in studying the message of the lesson. I find that all lessons are better understood when we take the time to focus on each line and even each word. It slows us down and causes us to really reflect deeply on the overall message. The message here is to be aware of how we are hurting ourselves all of the time when we attack, hold grievances, focus on our specialness, on our pleasures and what we think we need. We suffer when we want something and we suffer when we get it because then we fear losing it. Jesus reminds us that we are not the victim of anything in this world, but we actually choose our suffering because it attests to our belief that we exist as a separate, individual identity while not being responsible for our pain. Thus to invite pain into our lives, which may seem to be under the guise of pleasure, is a way to establish that we exist and that our reality is that of a body. We set up defenses against aging, disease, decay and death. Jesus reminds us that "Truth cannot deal with errors that you want." (T.3.IV.7.2)(ACIM OE T.3.VI.48 "God and the Souls He created remain in surety, and therefore know that no miscreation exists. Truth cannot deal with unwilling error because it does not will to be blocked out.") We want these things to prove that we are right about who we are. It is time to release these beliefs that do not affirm our reality.

"Let us this day accept forgiveness as our only function." (W.330.1.1) Jesus starts with the idea that we not hurt ourselves again today. He follows this with the reminder that the only way to escape the pain of our lives is to accept forgiveness as our only function. To refuse to forgive is one way that we hurt ourselves as forgiveness is only for ourselves. In lesson 328, Jesus said that by choosing our own independent will we bring about sickness, suffering, loss and death, and our independent will is one of always wanting to gain at someone's expense. By bringing our unloving thoughts to the light of truth, we will see our brothers as guiltless. This is salvation's simple formula, because when we see our brother as innocent, we will know our own innocence and thus our own divine nature that has never left God.
"Why should we attack our minds, and give them images of pain?" (W.330.1.2) This raises the question of how do I attack my mind? Every time I attack someone, defend myself, make a judgment, make myself better or more righteous, hold anger in my mind, hold grievances, hurt anyone, blame anyone, or obsess about my fears and expectations,  I am attacking my own mind. The Course is clear that anything I do to my brother I am doing to myself. If I hurt you in any way, I am hurting myself. If I expect or demand anything from you, I am seeing myself as lacking. If we saw that our attacks on our brothers are reflections of the guilt in our own minds, and that through these attacks we now believe we deserve punishment in return, would we want to continue to attack? Our attack thoughts bring forth images of pain, which is everything that we experience as bodies in this world.
 "The secret of salvation is but this: that you are doing this unto yourself. No matter what the form of the attack, this still is true. Whoever takes the role of enemy and of attacker, still is this the truth. Whatever seems to be the cause of any pain and suffering you feel, this is still true. For you would not react at all to figures in a dream you knew that you were dreaming. Let them be as hateful and as vicious as they may, they could have no effect on you unless you failed to recognize it is your dream." (T.27.VIII.10.1-6)(ACIM OE T.27.IX.86).
"Why should we teach them [our minds] they are powerless, when God holds out His power and His Love, and bids them take what is already theirs? (W.330.1.3) Jesus reminds us again in lesson 329 that we are already one with God. We can't change our reality as His Son, but we are unaware of who we really are. We have chosen to forget. Our minds are as powerful as God's. What we have done is made a choice for the ego and interposed a second will as powerful as God's. God can't overpower our will. His gift to us is our freedom to do as we choose. We are the ones that made our bodies to suffer and die to prove that we really aren't the unlimited, powerful eternal beings that God says we are. Who is right? God or the ego?

Jesus tells us that the only source of happiness is to know our own true will. When we attack, we feel guilty, and guilt demands punishment that we believe we deserve, and thus we fear the future. The ego has set up a cycle of sin, guilt and fear. In this loop, we are never free. We never experience the present moment. We feel powerless and victimized by the seeming reality of the human condition. We feel at the mercy of the world, but it all starts with our own minds. We are the only ones that can choose to break this cycle. Jesus is inviting us to do just that by realizing that we are not the characters in this dream that seem to suffer and die. We are, in fact, the dreamer of the dream. We can take responsibility for everything that seems to happen to us, recognizing that it all starts in our own minds. Now we have a choice. We choose to see with the ego or with the Holy Spirit. We allow the ego to interpret events for us or we turn to the Holy Spirit for His interpretation. When we release our mistaken perceptions given us by the ego, and give them over to the Holy Spirit, our minds are healed. The world has not hurt us. All of our suffering comes only from our own wrong choice in the mind.

"The mind that is made willing to accept God's gifts has been restored to spirit, and extends its freedom and its joy, as is the Will of God united with its own." (W.330.1.4) Our minds are made willing through forgiveness. Every time we resist the temptation to defend ourselves, every time we resist the temptation to attack, every time we show willingness to release grievances, every time we are willing to extend love, and when we are willing to surrender our way and ask for help, we make our minds ready and willing to accept the gifts that God is holding out to us. We can't take hold of these gifts while we still justify our anger, see ourselves as victims and continue to hold our judgments. Every time we bring our images of pain, which we blame on the conditions of our lives, back to the mind where another choice can be made, the mind is restored and we are united with the Will of God. It is all about willingness. Notice how much we resist. Notice how we relish our resentments and even nurture them, and notice how we hurt ourselves in doing so. Studies have shown that people initially experience revenge as sweet. It ignites the same pleasure sensors in our brains as does eating chocolate, but this is only temporary, because with it comes more self-attack and more guilt. Thus we live in the insanity of hurting ourselves on a daily basis. We are doing it all to ourselves by actively keeping ourselves from the peace and joy that is our inheritance!
"The Self Which God created cannot sin, and therefore cannot suffer." (W.330.1.5) It is only in this dream that we believe we have sinned and suffer the consequences of that. When we accept forgiveness into the mind, we demonstrate that we are not powerless and that there is another way of perceiving. We suffer when we attack. When we accept forgiveness in our mind and experience our own innocence, we connect with the Self behind the image of this seeming body and personality, and our suffering is released. This is the way out of the ego cycle of sin, guilt and attack. The door is open and Jesus is inviting us to make this choice. The means are offered us in every person and situation that we encounter in the classroom of our lives, which always provides us with the choice to condemn or forgive. Now we are using time for its intended purpose and now our relationships and the world have new meaning.
"Let us choose today that He [the Self that God created] be our Identity, and thus escape forever from all things the dream of fear appears to offer us." (W.330.1.6) While we believe that we deserve to be hurt because of what we have done, Jesus keeps reminding us that we can escape this dream by making another choice. We don't always want to forgive because we are very invested in our way of seeing. The temptation to attack is very strong in us. We want to gain at the expense of others. While it looks like we have gained at the expense of our brothers, all we get is more pain and more suffering. We think we can buy our innocence by putting our guilt on others and thus making ourselves feel more righteous or superior. This is our perceived payoff. Thus our motivation to forgive must be strengthened through application. The motivation becomes stronger when, through forgiveness, we feel redeemed. Our happiness and our peace are established when our attack thoughts are released. When we choose to forgive, we are choosing the miracle. We are choosing to see with the eyes of Christ. We are choosing to accept Atonement (the Correction) for ourselves. We are choosing to know the truth of who we are. We are choosing to know ourselves as the powerful, eternal beings that we are and thus we "escape forever from all things the dream of fear appears to offer us." (W.330.1.6)
"Father, Your Son can not be hurt." (W.330.2.1) The 'me' that seemingly can be hurt is simply the identity that I know as Sarah, a body, and a concept and personality of who I think I am. What can't be hurt is the eternal Self that I have blocked with the images of have made of myself and the mistaken thoughts about myself. The truth is that we can awaken to the reality of our Self as pure love and one with all that is, forever changeless. Until that time, we need to recognize that it is by our own decision that we are limiting ourselves and hurting ourselves. Now we can take responsibility for this decision. Through forgiveness, we open up to the truth of who we are, and it is a process. We will not be hurled into Heaven.
"And if we think we suffer, we but fail to know our one Identity we share with You. We would return to It today, to be made free forever from all our mistakes, and to be saved from what we thought we were." (W.330.2.2-3)
Healing requires a willingness to be very honest with ourselves about our hurts and allow whatever feelings there are surrounding them to be brought to awareness, acknowledged fully, and investigated, without distracting from them, indulging them or running away from them. As long as the charge is still there, there is something to release. It is not enough to manage the feelings that hurt us. We are good at that. What is important is to acknowledge what we are feeling and investigate the thoughts we are holding and the beliefs and values that accompany them. Thus we surrender more deeply with each opportunity that triggers reactions in us. I acknowledge that I don't know what is best for me. I don't know what anything is for, and I don't know what God's Will for me looks like in this situation. Thus I see that my attachment to outcomes makes me blind to what is possible, which is always the miracle.

Love and blessings, Sarah 

[email protected]


VI. Recognizing the Spirit              

62 You see the flesh or recognize the Spirit. There is no compromise between the two. If one is real the other must be false, for what is real denies its opposite. There is no choice in vision but this one. What you decide in this determines all you see and think is real and hold as true. On this one choice does all your world depend, for here have you established what you are, as flesh or Spirit in your own belief. If you choose flesh, you never will escape the body as your own reality, for you have chosen that you want it so. But choose the Spirit, and all Heaven bends to touch your eyes and bless your holy sight, that you may see the world of flesh no more except to heal and comfort and to bless.


63 Salvation is undoing. If you choose to see the body, you behold a world of separation, unrelated things, and happenings that make no sense at all. This one appears and disappears in death; that one is doomed to suffering and loss. And no one is exactly as he was an instant previous, nor will he be the same as he is now an instant hence. Who could have trust where so much change is seen, for who is worthy if he be but dust? Salvation is undoing of all this. And constancy arises in the sight of those whose eyes salvation has released from looking at the cost of keeping guilt because they chose to let it go instead.


64 Salvation does not ask that you behold the Spirit and perceive the body not. It merely asks that this should be your choice. For you can see the body without help but do not understand how to behold a world apart from it. It is your world salvation will undo and let you see another world your eyes could never find. Be not concerned how this could ever be. You do not understand how what you see arose to meet your sight. For if you did, it would be gone. The veil of ignorance is drawn across the evil and the good and must be passed that both may disappear, so that perception finds no hiding place. How is this done? It is not done at all. What could there be within the universe which God created that must still be done?


65 Only in arrogance could you conceive that you must make the way to Heaven plain. The means are given you by which to see the world that will replace the one you made. Your will be done! In Heaven as on earth, this is forever true. It matters not where you believe you are nor what you think the truth about yourself must really be. It makes no difference what you look upon nor what you choose to feel or think or wish. For God Himself has said, "Your will be done." And it is done to you accordingly.


66 You who believe that you can choose to see the Son of God as you would have him be, forget not that no concept of yourself will stand against the truth of what you are. Undoing truth would be impossible. But concepts are not difficult to change. One vision, clearly seen, that does not fit the picture as it was perceived before will change the world for eyes that learn to see, because the concept of the self has changed. Are you invulnerable? Then the world is harmless in your sight. Do you forgive? Then is the world forgiving, for you have forgiven it its trespasses and so it looks on you with eyes that see as yours. Are you a body? So is all the world perceived as treacherous and out to kill.


67 Are you a spirit, deathless and without the promise of corruption and the stain of sin upon you? So the world is seen as stable, fully worthy of your trust; a happy place to rest in for a while, where nothing need be feared but only loved. Who is unwelcome to the kind in heart? And what could hurt the truly innocent? Your will be done, you holy Child of God. It does not matter if you think you are in earth or Heaven. What your Father wills for you can never change. The truth in you remains as radiant as a star, as pure as light, as innocent as Love Itself. And you are worthy that your will be done!




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CIMS is announcing that ACIM - Original Edition is now available by the case at the distributor price which is 40% below retail, plus shipping.  


Hard Copy book is reg $35. A case of 10 would have been $350. However, the price for a case is $210. [$21 per book, which is 40% off]  


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This is a savings of $144!


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Recording of Original EditionAudio Recording of


Kellie Love [considered the VOICE of ACIM] recorded the Original Edition.  


The Full set [8 cds, 68 hours] is available for $109.


Text only [4 cds, 38 hours] is
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To GIVE and to RECEIVE are One in Truth. Lesson 108


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7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
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