
Village Center 23
This Week at BJBE

January 26, 2015

Dear Friends,


We are busy planning two extraordinary Purim events.  Please join us for our 2nd Annual Adult Purim Party on 2/28, featuring comedian Miriam Plotkin and music by Soul Zimra.  And bring the family for our 7th Annual Shindig in Shushan Purim Carnival on 3/1. 


Save the date for the Annual JUF Brunch, Sunday, April 19. 


Please see the sections below for information on these and other programs 


We look forward to celebrating the Bar Mitzvah of Evan Orloff at the morning service and the Bar Mitzvah of Ben Zuckerman at the afternoon service this Saturday. Mazel tov to Evan, Ben and their families.   





Arlene Mayzel

Executive Director

847-940-7575, ext. 118




Tuesday Symposium, The Books of First & Second Kings, January 27, February 3 & 10, 10:00-11:30am.  Instructor: Rabbi Karyn Kedar


Kol Simcha, BJBE's Junior Choir, performs at the JNF Tu B'Shevat family event, Sunday, February 1, 12:35pm, Chicagoland Jewish High School (across from BJBE).


The Tu B'Shevat Seder, which was scheduled to be held on Tuesday, February 3rd has been cancelled. Our thanks to the Ritual and Green Faith Committees for their work on this.  We look forward to offering this event next year.   


Bingo anyone? What could be better on a winter night than Martinis and Bingo? Join us on February 7, 7:30pm, $25 for dinner, dessert, one drink and one card. Yes, good luck charms are allowed!!!  Raffle and prizes! Over twenty-ones only. Click here for additional information. Contact Marilyn Friedman

Sunday Morning Adult Learning; Creative Writing & the Art of Prayer, Sundays, February 8 & 15, 9:45-10:45am; Instructor Rabbi Karyn Kedar & Rabbi Brian Stoller.  From the ancient sages who composed our traditional prayers, to the Spanish dreamers who penned romantic spiritual poetry, to the authors of creative liturgy in our own time, writing has been a primary means of giving expression to the soul's longing for God. Exploring the connection between writing and the art of prayer through text study and experiential writing exercises, Rabbi Kedar and Rabbi Stoller will help us tap into the authentic prayer that resides deep within each of us.  

Men's Club popular Evening Study Sessions continue as Rabbi Brian Stoller leads us in a 4-part discussion of Tradition & Change: Great Controversies in Modern Jewish Law. Just as in Talmudic times, present-day Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform thinkers continue to debate about how Judaism should respond to modernity and change. Rabbi Stoller will lead us in exploring some of the great modern controversies in the world of Jewish law, on hot-button issues such as marriage, conversion, gender roles, government responsibilities, and the Reform movement's relationship with other streams of Judaism. Tuesday, February 10, Monday, March 9, and Monday, April 6, 7:30-9:00 p.m. $5/session for Men's Club members (and women), $10/session for non-members Includes fruit and dessert, beverages. Click here for more information and registration information. Contact Todd Cohan(847) 520-0591 if you have questions. 

BJBE Sisterhood Interfaith Program, The Rewards and Challenges of Interfaith Families; Wednesday, February 11, 7:30pmWe are honored and excited to have Audrey K. Gordon, PhD, a member of our congregation, as our guest speaker. She will cover how to manage the issues of marriage, raising children and grandchildren, holidays, traditions, cultural issues with food, death, and most importantly, how everyone feels about these issues from BOTH Jewish and Christian perspectives. There will be time for questions. Both men and women invited and welcome! Sue Beslow (847) 272-7359 or Janet Swig (847) 677-5289.  


Sunday, February 15 at 12:30pm - Mother/Daughter Book Club.  Penina Levine is a Hard Boiled Egg by Rebecca O'Connell.  RSVP or for more information Marci Cohen.   

Men's Club Annual Texas Hold-em Poker Tournament. Sunday, February 15, 3:00pm.  All adults welcome. Great prizes and a silent auction.  Click here for information and registration form.  For information contact Todd Cohan or Jack Goldberg.


Come join the BJBE "After Hours" group for a Ladies Night of pampering, drinks and memories. February 19, 7:00 - 9:00pm, MG Nails, 810 Waukegan Rd, Deerfield. Fee: Cost of a nail service. RSVP to Beth Sattler by February 12th. After Hours is a social group for parents of school-age (and younger) kids who are looking for some adult time - to eat, relax, and enjoy meeting other BJBE adults.  


Adults Only Purim Party, February 28, 6:45pm featuring comedian Miriam Plotkin performing Anxiety Tonight (Pigtails are Kosher). Music by Soul Zimra.  Dinner & cocktails. Costumes preferred. $54 in advance, $60 at the door. Click here to register. We are obligated to drink on Purim to the point that we do not know the difference between "cursed is Haman" and "blessed is Mordecai." The Talmud.   


7th Annual Shindig in Shushan, Sunday March 1. Megillah Reading, Purim Shpiel & Jr Choir at 9:30am & Carnival from 10:15am - 1:00pm. 


Please join Rabbi Kedar and Ezra and other BJBE members at the AIPAC Annual Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. March 1-3, 2015. This is an exciting gathering of over 14,000 Pro Israel supporters from across the United States with the express purpose of showing support for the US-Israel Bond. You will enjoy speakers from across the spectrum of politicians and community leaders. You will learn about the accomplishments of Israel. You will have an opportunity to meet with your Congressman and Senators to further discuss the strong bipartisan support for Israel. You can find further information at www.aipac.org or by contacting Howard Schneider.   


Sunday Morning Adult Learning;Dealing with Difficult People, Sundays, March 8, 15 & 22, 9:45 - 10:45am. Everyone of us has to deal with difficult personalities from time to time, whether it's a boss or colleague whose communication style is vastly different from our own, a parent who doesn't respect our space, a critical or unsupportive spouse, an in-law with whom we inevitably clash, or others with whom healthy relationships seem impossible. In this series, which is part of BJBE's ongoing participation in the JCARES Safer Synagogues Initiative, our speakers will offer expert guidance and Jewish wisdom for dealing with the difficult people in our lives.

March 8 - How to Deal with Difficult People - Debbie Gross, LCSW

March15 - Coping Strategies & Personal Care - Margot Andersen, MSW, RYT

March 22 - Spiritual Guidance from Jewish Tradition - Rabbi Brian Stoller


Join Sisterhood on Wednesday, March 11 at 7:30pm at BJBE for a Purim and Passover Cooking Class. Chef Ayelet Danino of Bites of Pleasure will wow us with great holiday recipes and tastings. You will come away with new holiday recipes and cooking techniques to dazzle your guests and make your holiday celebrations spectacular!  Registration is required.


Are you interested in our new Adult Confirmation Class? We are determining interest in this class, led by master teacher Phyllis Steiner, that will meet on Wednesdays from 10:00am - 12:00pm starting in late spring. The Adult Confirmation Class will help you become a learned and engaged Jewish adult. Meeting weekly over the course of a year, students will learn to read Hebrew and chant from the Torah, gain a dynamic understanding of the prayers and the prayer book, study the weekly Torah portion together, and explore the Jewish holidays in depth. The course culminates with a group Confirmation service, led by class participants and the clergy, during the Festival of Shavuot on Sunday, June 12, 2016.  The class is open to adults who had a b'nai mitzvah and/or confirmation ceremony when they were teens, as well as to those who did not. If you are interested or have questions, contact Phyllis Steiner. Enrollment is limited to 12 students. Registration fee: TBD. 



Torah Study: The Book of Exodus
Instructors Rabbi Karyn Kedar and Rabbi Brian Stoller
Saturdays, 11:00am - 12:00pm

Talmud Study: Tractate Berakhot (Blessings) Wednesdays, 7:45 - 9:00am; Instructor Rabbi Brian Stoller


Visit the Adult Education Archives on our website to view select programs.  

For more information about the Center for Adult Learning, contact Karyn Benson.




8th-12th grade Winter Retreat, January 30 - February 1. Get ready for our annual retreat at OSRUI.  Join high school students (and for the first time ever, eighth graders) from BJBE, along with our friends from Beth Am & Temple Chai, for a fun-filled, meaningful, and unforgettable weekend at OSRUI. We will explore the theme, What's so great?! Living in Gratitude. If you are interested in attending, here's the flyer. With questions, please contact Eddie Simon


For questions or information about youth programs, please contact 

Kelly Goldberg.


Shabbat service, Friday, January 30, 7:30pm

Shabbat mornings feature our Kol Shabbat service at 9:30am followed by Torah Study at 11:00am. Phyllis Steiner is leading Torah Study this week in honor of her and Bob's 60th wedding anniversary.  Mazel tov to the Steiners! 

Wednesday Morning Minyan: Begin your day in a beautiful and powerful way by attending our Wednesday morning Minyan from 6:45 to 7:15am. Each week we pray in the intimate space of the Chapel with Rabbi Stoller and a supportive, welcoming group. Experience a prayer service that is grounded in communal song, thought-provoking liturgy, and deep silence, followed by camaraderie over bagels and coffee. Morning Minyan participants have commented that this is worship that has connected to their lives in many unexpected and transformative ways. For more information, contact Rabbi Stoller. The weekday prayer melodies are available here, although all are welcome to attend regardless of musical or prayerbook knowledge. 

Join us Wednesdays 6:45pm - 7:15pm in the Chapel for Musical Minyan. This is a deeply spiritual way to transition into the evening. Make it part of your weekly worship. Experience beautiful music, pray together in community and be present for fellow congregants who need to say Kaddish for a loved one.   

All Wednesday evening Music Minyans are led with creativity and harmony by talented members of our congregation and special guests. The musical group Soul Zimra; Andy Dennen, Marcus Newman, and Gary Schaffel lead on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Susan Diamond leads sing-along style using video and short films on the second and fifth Wednesdays. Fourth Wednesdays are reserved for our younger musical congregants. Every evening Music Minyan is a joy-filled experience you don't want to miss.


Services in both the Sacred Hall and Sanctuary are now streamed.. To view our live or recorded streams, please click here. You may have to watch an initial commercial before the stream begins, but this is a free and open program accessible to anyone. To access: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/bjbelive.
Questions? Click here to contact Arlene Mayzel.

Wednesday Morning Minyan: Our weekday morning Minyan meets in the BJBE Chapel from 6:45 - 7:15am. Contact Rabbi Stoller for an audio CD of the weekday prayer melodies. 
Thursday T'ai Chi Ch'uan:
 We offer a weekly Thursday morning T'ai Chi class led by Dr. Drew Serlin at 7:30am.  There is no charge for these classes. There is no class this Thursday.


Help Continue Our Work in New Orleans! Join Rabbi Stoller, Kelly Goldberg, and fellow BJBE congregants in our seventh annual social action mission to New Orleans, March 12-15, 2015.  We will continue to strengthen interfaith relationships with Christian and Jewish groups in the Crescent City, form new friendships within our BJBE community, and help rebuild communities in need.  Together, we will also explore and enjoy the unique city of New Orleans.For more information, please contact Lara Kirts or Mike Goldberg


PADS needs:winter coats; hats and gloves (children's, women's, men's); underwear, bras and socks (children's, women's, men's); kitchen staples - decaf coffee, tea bags, dry lemonade mix, microwave popcorn, hand sanitizer, plastic gloves for serving. Please drop off donations in the PADS bin in the Tzedakah nook.Questions? Contact Ruth Miller or by phone at 224-235-4042. 


January Tzedakah 

The face of domestic abuse is not always easy to recognize. Domestic abuse can happen to anyone at any time. It is a systematic pattern of coercive behavior for the sole purpose of manipulating a partner in an intimate relationship. Domestic abuse can take many forms: verbal, emotional, financial, sexual, physical or psychological. SHALVA offers free confidential domestic abuse counseling services to the Chicago Jewish Community. SHALVA provides culturally sensitive services in a safe and caring environment. Free confidential services include a 24 hour crisis-line, counseling, financial assistance, referrals and more.  



BJBE's Caring Community is a team of volunteers who can act as your extended family when your family needs additional support.  Caring Community provides the following services: home delivered meals in times of need, transportation to/from temple or a medical appointment, phone support for people who are ill or lonely, senior education and caregiver support, chicken or vegetable soups (always available in the kitchen!) and a virtual food pantry.  To access these services confidentially, please call Gloria Kaiz at 847-945-3741.  


BJBE is certified as a Safer Synagogue by Jewish Community Abuse Resources, Education & Solutions (JCARES). Our leadership has been trained in understanding the impact of abuse across the lifespan and improving access to support for congregants experiencing abusive situations. For more information, please contact the clergy at 847-940-7575.  



Registration for early childhood programs at the Chava Center is now underway.  Under the leadership of our sensational new director, Susie Wexler, we have implemented exciting changes to our programming. Preschool classes and camp are available for 2, 3 and 4 year old with options for the number of days attended.   The community is buzzing about our school, register soon to guarantee a space!  For more information about the BJBE Early Childhood Center at the Chava Center, contact Susie Wexler at  [email protected] or call 847-940-7575.   


The WZO (World Zionist Organization) will hold elections January 15, 2015 thru April 30, 2015 for delegates to the World Zionist Congress.This group, which meets every five years, will convene in Jerusalem in October. 145 of the 500 delegates come from North America. It is imperative that ARZA, representing the Reform Movement get the largest percentage of delegates to the Congress so that our influence carries the most weight in decision making. Your vote will help us reach that goal. Our member, Doris Schyman, has been slated to be a delegate representing ARZA and YOU. Beginning January 15, 2015 go to ReformJews4Israel.org  to cast your vote. There will be a $10 charge which is all used for election costs. Paper ballots available in the office. Please contact Lynn Wax,847.965.3801 or Doris Schyman for more information. The Israelis want and need our help in sustaining a pluralistic and egalitarian state. This is important. 


Book BJBE for your upcoming celebration!! Your spiritual home is also a premier venue with beautiful reception space in the Village Center, Sacred Hall and Courtyard.  With completion of the Sanctuary, we have new opportunities available for you to celebrate your special events at BJBE. For information and reservations, contact Event Coordinator Gayle Jan or by phone at 847.940.7575.  



Gift giving season never ends and your Judaica Shop can fill all of your gift giving needs: Bar/Bat Mitzvah, wedding, new home, anniversary and new baby. Free gift wrapping with each purchase. See the new talit for that special Bar/Bat Mitzvah young man or young lady.

Hours: Sunday 9:30 - 11:30am; Tuesday 4:30-6:30pm; Thursday 4:30-6:30pm; Friday, 6:45-7:30pm and after services. For information, contact Lynne Kleiman, 847-215-1357 or Irene Schatz, 847-729-8812


Looking for a fun and easy way to meet other BJBE members? How about helping out in the Judaica Shop? Don't worry -- we will train you. For information, please call Arlene Wineberg- 224-676-1112.

In This Issue

Contact Information

Arlene Mayzel, Executive Director

Congregation B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim

1201 Lake Cook Road

Deerfield, IL 60015

(847) 940-7575