The Church of the Living God and its affiliate churches and ministries collectively congratulate, Pastor Maggie Campbell on her recent acceptance of the Call to the Office of Bishop. Hereinafter, we shall all officially address her as,
"Bishop Maggie Campbell".
Bishop Campbell have worked hard for more than 10 years to equip many women and some men to succeed in ministry. She has continued to work for years as the Overseer of churches and ministries, have helped graduates to plant new churches and she has staffed many existing churches in the Antelope Valley and several locations outside of the State with newly ordained, trained and equipped Women of God.
As the professor over the, 'Women in Ministry Leadership Training Institute', Bishop Campbell have taught women who are now Pastors, Ministers, Evangelists and Missionaries; several of which are senior pastors or associate pastors at churches in the Antelope Valley as well as various cities across the United States.
She is the first female Pastor in her family of male pastors dating back to the 1800s and is therefore now the first woman to be Called to the Office of Bishop in her family. Additionally, to our knowledge she is the first officially ordained female Pastor to be Called to the Office of Bishop in the Antelope Valley and Palmdale,California where she currently resides. The duties and responsibilities of which she have been doing for many years prior to her official acceptance date of May 7, 2013.
Bishop Campbell's new status opens the doors for many Women in Ministry in the Antelope Valley as well as across the country. Soon she will be appointing women to take on some of the areas she severed as Pastor and professor as she begins to move forward with what she is Called to do.
Bishop Campbell is obviously an intelligent woman with multiple gifts that she uses to continue to edify the Word of God and for the Body of Christ. A role model to women and teen girls, she is a Woman of God who has put in an extreme amount of hard work. She has shown qualities that she openly shares with all Women in Ministry who are willing, ready and able to do what God has called them to do as well.
Bishop Campbell's dedication and perseverance has manifested itself into one of the best 'Women in Ministry Leadership Training Institutes' in America. It continues to grow each year. We all should be proud of her. Many women seek her guidance and the opportunity to train within the programs she teaches because they know she will give more than 100% of herself to making sure they receive what they need to succeed.
Join us as we pray for and with Bishop Maggie Campbell for the best the future has to offer and pray that she prospers as much in the future as she has in the past.
Congratulations to the Presiding Bishop over Women's Ministry, the Church of the Living God and its affiliate churches and ministries.