The Unigram

October 2013 Newsletter

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

In This Issue
Congregational Meeting
In Loving Memory
Blessing of Music
Lay Listening Ministry
UUSS Choir
Travel to the Philippines?
Treasurer's Report
Generosity Beyond These Walls
Growing Up Universalist
Newcomer's Orientation
5 Big Questions
Master Plan Implementation
Hand in Hand
Farm to Every Fork
Winter Garden Plots
Deepening Our Conversations
UUSS Readers
Games Night
All Ages Costume Parade
Parenting Group Event
RE Pot of Gold
Freedom Club
UUA Luminary Leaders
RE Reminders!
RE Calendar
Congregational Meeting
True Story or Scam?
Improving Our Website
Connections Fair
Unigram Deadline
Serving Our Congregation
Join Our List
Join Our Mailing List
A Month of Sundays

Sunday Services:  9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.

Religious Education program at 9:30 a.m.  

Nursery Care at both services


October 6

Animal Blessing Service--

What They Know about Us and What We Learn about Ourselves

Rev. Roger Jones and Rev. Lucy Bunch

On the Sunday near St. Francis of Assisi Day, we invite our pets to church with us to receive a blessing.  Let's reflect on their blessings on us, and our duties to the non-human animals around us. Dogs at 9:30, cats at 11:15 recommended. Leashes, too, please! If your beagle would balk, kitty would cringe, or snake would get rattled to be with other beasts, just bring a photo of your beloved for the blessing.


October 13

Everyday Spirituality-Part 3:  Abundant Life through 

the Lens of Humanism

Rev. Roger Jones Special Music by Cynthia Davis

A former president of my UU seminary in Chicago has written that Religious Humanism is "a faith for all seasons of life." Let's consider the spiritual essence of Religious Humanism. What does it say we deserve? How might it be a source of hope, compassion, comfort and courage in your life?


            Cynthia Davis plays cello and Native American flute.  She has been a luthier and a  conductor of adult & children's choirs and string ensembles.  She has founded hand bell choirs in two UU congregations.  She and her spouse, Tracy Jones, are active members of Mt. Diablo UU Church, where Cynthia has served on the internship and worship committees.   


October 20, United Nations Sunday

Confronting the Real Crisis of Climate Change:

New Voices of Passion, Innovation and Hope

Guest Speaker Kareem Hammoud with Rev. Roger Jones Connections Fair after both services. 

 As global warming continues, what are the sources of hope for communities around the globe? On this UN Sunday, we'll hear one of the newest generation of committed leaders on this global crisis. Along with startling facts, he will tell us what the scientific community is doing about this crisis--and steps that we can take to fight climate change.

Kareem Hammoud is a senior in Environmental Science at UCBerkeley and a Head Chair in the Berkeley "Model United Nations" program. A native of the Los Angeles area, he has been interested in climate change since being in a 10th grade speech contest. His involvement in Model UN programs through high school and college deepened his interest in human impacts on the world. In helping to lead the Berkeley Model UN, he designs and moderates the debates of 1,500 American and international high school delegates. He also serves on the UC Green Initiative Fund, which collects and grants money to sustainability projects. These include ecological restoration of Strawberry Creek, installation of reusable-water "hydration stations" and the storefront of the Berkeley Student Food Cooperative.


Don't miss this inspiring leader's message.


October 27

The Spiritual Lessons of Harry Potter

All-Ages Services at 9:30 AND 11:15

Rev. Lucy Bunch with Rev. Roger Jones

 Congregational Meeting at 12:30

Calling all witches, muggles, Harry Potter fans and people who like stories of depth and richness. The book series may be finished, but the stories remain alive and relevant for all generations. What can we learn from these books that has relevance for our lives and our spirits? In this intergenerational service we will hear readings from the books and reflect on what Harry learned about good, evil and the power of love.


No Religious Education programs today, but Child Care provided until 1:30 p.m. so parents may attend the 11:15 a.m. service, then stay for the Fall Congregational Meeting.


November 3

The In-Between Time

Rev. Roger Jones with Rev. Lucy Bunch


"Wake Up and Smell the Coffee" -a Fun-Raiser

Sunday, November 3 is not only the end of Daylight Savings Time.  It's also the day to perk up our coffee hospitality with special donations-"the richest kind!"


Bring in a can or pound bag or two of ground regular or decaf (medium grind for the Bunn-o-Matic and mo flavored coffee please) or make a suggested donation of $10 to $20 to keep UUSS well stocked with tea, sweeteners, creamers and compostable cups.  You can make a donation before today or later, but today we'll sing the fun UU hymn "Coffee, Coffee, Coffee."

Call to Meeting:  Congregational Meeting 

Sunday, Oct. 27, 12:30 PM

Your UUSS Board of Trustees 

The Board of Trustees makes this Official Notice of our Fall Congregational Meeting, and invites you all to attend.   Child care is extended to 1:30 PM to enable families to attend, and there is no RE, so you can attend the 11:15 AM Service for All Ages.  We need a quorum of voting members to conduct business, so please plan to come.  


Topics:  Treasurer's Report, Update on Implementing the Master Plan and our construction relocation, Minutes of the last meeting, Ministers' Reports, and members voting on the nominated organizations to be our Community Partners for the Sunday Shared Offering.  We use rank-order voting to select 12 not-for-profit organizations.  Each member making a nomination may speak for up to 60 seconds about your nominee(s).  


In the Main Hall on Oct. 27.  Please sign in at the meeting table after the 11:15 AM service. 


In Loving Memory

Our member Edward Greaves, M.D., passed away from cancer July 26.  I will officiate at a Celebration of Life service on Sunday, September 29, at 3:00 p.m.  The Sacramento Bee has published an excellent obituary; read it here.


We extend our condolences to new members Liz and Kenji Ota on his parents' tragic automobile accident in early September, which took his mother's life and injured his father.  


The Blessing of Music in Worship Services

By Rev. Roger Jones, Acting Senior Minister


After a heartfelt, generous and chocolaty farewell to Eric Stetson on September 1, you may wonder about the future of our music program. 


Given the big deficit of the past budget year, the Board of Trustees decided not to fill this position until the financial path is clear enough to warrant that. That makes good sense to me. 


Meanwhile, things are humming along.


Judy Lane continues her gentle touch and reliable role as Music Committee Chair. Meg Burnett has volunteered to rehearse the choir most Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., with pianist Rachel Kang accompanying.  All are welcome!


The choir will sing at services about once a month. Meg also hopes to recruit an occasional ensemble of singers who can sight-read music to prepare for some services.


An experienced musician, Rev. Lucy has been leading songs at the start of many services. Lucy and I share the goal of ensuring that hymns, piano solos, instrumentals, choral and other music are integrated coherently into the theme of a given service, well-placed in the flow of a service, and consistent with the season or a close holiday. 


We have been recruiting UUSS volunteers and musical talent from the local arts community to enrich our worship life here. This can bring a variety of ages, instruments, and styles to our services. Let us know what you can offer and we will find the right service for you.


On August 25, many raved about pianist Nicholas Dold from Indiana University, now in California. I hope he can come back. Soon we will hear singing from New Helvetia Theater's founder, Connor Mickiewicz. We will again welcome the Sarah Bush Dance Project from San Francisco. 


In the spring I hope UUSS will have a singing workshop with my friend Pam Blevins Hinkle, Executive Director of the Spirit and Place arts festival and former music director at the UU Church of Indianapolis. Maybe Mindy Dillard of Heart Root will bring her banjo and her soul-seducing voice back to us from Berkeley. Do you have ideas? Do you have talent to share with your church?


Meanwhile, "come sing a song with me" every Sunday morning!


See you in church,



Where's Roger in October?

I am happy to make an appointment with you. Office hours are weekday afternoons.  Usual day off is Tuesday, and sermon-writing day is Friday, so I avoid e-mail those days. But please call my home in an emergency! October 18-19 I will be in Sonoma County at the Fall Meeting of the Pacific Central District UU Ministers Association. I will return in time to bring our guest speaker on October 20. Our Office staff knows a lot of answers, and they can reach me in an emergency.

Support from Lay Listening Ministry


By Rev. Roger Jones


If you would like a call from this ministry, leave a message at the Office. This team of trustworthy people offers a caring presence to Members and Pledging Friends of the congregation. They have the grace to listen. If you have the calm gift of listening and might want to join us, let me know.  


By Rev. Lucy Bunch, Assistant Minister 

Rev. Lucy

I have to confess that I am not a fan of transitions. I find it hard to shift from the known to the unknown, to let go of what is comfortable and the familiar, even if the next thing will be wonderful. When I was in my late teens to early thirties I moved every few years, and struggled with the process of getting established with a new job, new city, new friends. My transitions were made easier by the kindness of people who reached out to me, helped me, and encouraged me.


Last month I attended a training for ministers serving congregations in transition. Our group learned that transition occurs in phases; between the endings and the beginnings, the process includes a "neutral zone."  This is the phase when you have left the old way behind but haven't fully adjusted or transitioned to the new way. We learned that the "neutral zone" can be an incredibly productive and useful time for a congregation but can also be a time of stress and anxiety. 


Our community is squarely in that neutral zone, and will be until we settle back into our renovated facility in 2015. You have said goodbye to your former minister and begun the process of determining your next minister. You have approved your Master Plan and created a vision of a facility for the next generation. In the spring we leave our sanctuary for our temporary home. Much is in process, much is in transition. 

We have a great opportunity in the "neutral zone" to let our creative juices flow - in the detailed design of our new space, in our community activities and engagements, in our rethinking of "business as usual."

Most importantly this is a time for us to remember how much we care about each other and our community. Roger preached in September on the "Spirituality of Imperfection" reminding us to forgive ourselves and each other as we all do the best we can in this life. As we share our time in the "neutral zone," let us offer help, encouragement and forgiveness to each other. Let us love each other and our community enough to embrace the possibilities of the neutral zone and embrace each other through this time of transition.  


I am honored to be with you on this journey.


Where's Rev Lucy in October?

I am at church on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. I would love to meet with you, but please call or e-mail first so I can be sure to be available. My Sundays at church in October are the 6th and 27th.


UUSS Choir: Back by Popular Demand!

By Meg Burnett


If you often come to church to make a joyful noise with your voice in song, join us beginning Wednesday evening, September 11, and most Wednesdays after that until June. Meg, fearless choir director, has been asked several times when choir will start, so now you know, and our UUSS choir welcomes you and your voice. We will practice all kinds of songs that lift our spirits and meld with our service themes, many in unison and many with the opportunity to sing some harmony parts. Accompanied by our own Rachel Kang, we meet from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the main hall, and again at 8:20 in the Fahs room on the Sundays that we are in the services-once or twice per month. Our first time to offer a song is for the September 29 service.  


We invite all singers to join us for a practice. Let us get to know you if you haven't sung with us before--and if you have, please come back!


Travel to the Philippines?

By Rev. Roger Jones 


Are you interested in making a visit with other North American UUs to visit the Unitarian Universalist churches in the Philippines? I will happily go back, if at least three of you would plan to go on the March 2014 Partner Church Pilgrimage. Even if you go without me, it will be a feast for the mind and heart. Read more on my blog at this link.


OMG--I Threw Away My Vote!

By Rev. Roger Jones


I sat on my sofa and picked up the election information-finally! It had lain on the coffee table long enough. It was from the Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op of which I am a member/owner. 


I put up my feet and read the board candidate biographies. I studied the "pro" and "con" statements for each bylaws change. Thoughtfully I marked "X" in several spots.


As I began to put the ballot into the envelope, I read the voting deadline. It had passed a few days earlier.  Aargh! 


I know all of you are conscientious and want to know what is happening with our congregation during this time of transition. You want to hear our dedicated lay leaders explain our financial health, to tell about the Master Plan Implementation and to update you on plans for relocation during construction. 


You also want to vote to choose the 12 not-for-profit agencies that will receive half of our Shared Sunday Offerings in 2014.  Lucy and I will give brief reports too. 


But I know that it's easy to forget this important date.  Please paste a Post-It or set your phone calendar to remind you:  Sunday, October 27. Our All-Ages Worship will take place at both services, so you can come to the 11:15 service and stick around. For families, child care will continue after the second service till 1:30 p.m. Hope to see you!


Treasurer's Year End Report

By Glory Wicklund


The 2013-14 budget year ended with a deficit of $35,142. This was largely due to $22,000 less in building rentals, $11,000 pledges below what was budgeted and duplex repairs of an additional $5,000. People gave generously to the Plate, enabling UUSS to give $24,559 to community groups. The auction income was one of the highest ever and Adult Enrichment classes continue to be a revenue leader.


At the Congregational Meeting, October 27, 2013, handouts will detail the expenditures. We will discuss the 2012-13 budget, and our current financial status. Ideas to generate income are welcome!


If you are interested in serving on a committee to review building use, charges and marketing, please contact [email protected].


Generosity Beyond these Walls- 

October offering to help Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services

UUSS shares half our offering every Sunday with a local "community partner." In the budget year that ended June 30, we gave away $23,000 to a dozen local organizations doing important work in the community and across California. In July and August we sent over $1,400 each to Sacramento SPCA and Sacramento Family Promise. In October, the Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services will benefit from our shared offering.


Growing Up Universalist:  The Other Half of Our Heritage

A Conversation with Rev. Carolyn Colbert

12:30 p.m., Sunday, September 29

By Rev. Roger Jones


Join us for another in our series of talks by notable UU ministers. Carolyn Colbert grew up as a Preacher's Kid (PK) times two-both her mother and her father were Universalist ministers, long before the merger with the Unitarians. Now retired from the ministry after serving 10 UU congregations, she is Minister Emerita of the UU Church of Eugene, OR. She has been an adjunct faculty member at Starr King School for the Ministry. She's been a mentor to many women in ministry, but also to me since we met over a decade ago.


Carolyn writes: "The remarkable religious tradition that shaped my life has taken second place in our UU culture. We need its teachings and spirit, now more than ever. There will be stories revealed that have been hidden for years, and some concerns about how often we forget half of our religious heritage."  


Time for questions and conversation, too. Here at UUSS!  Suggested donation $5 to $20. Please sign up at the Adult Enrichment table.


They drew a circle that shut me out-

Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.

But love and I had the wit to win:

We drew a circle that took them in!

~Edwin Markham, Universalist Californian (words adapted)


Newcomer's Orientation to Membership

By Rev. Roger Jones

Would you like to get more connected here? Find out what this congregation is about?

Come to the next Orientation:  two Monday nights, September 30 and October 7.  Light supper. An Orientation Sign-up Sheet is at the Greeters' Welcome Table but time is running out, so please call the Office ASAP.


If you are coming, please register and then pick up an orientation folder at the Greeters' Welcome Table or from the UUSS Office on any other day.  


Contact me to discuss joining UUSS if you are transferring from a UU congregation in another city. Our key staff person for this is JoLane Blaylock, Congregational Support Coordinator.


Answers to the Five Big Questions:  

Hearing Our Personal Theologies

6:00 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, October 2, 9, 16 and 23

With Rev. Roger Jones


In this participatory course, we prepare answers to the five big questions of theology.  Then we hear what one another has written.

  • Who am I? 
  • How do I know what I believe to be true? 
  • What is the nature of the Divine? 
  • What is the purpose of my life? 
  • What does my death mean?


In addition to listening to one another, there will be a bit of lecture and a few handouts and web links. Requested donation to UUSS is $20 to $50.  Teens and college students are free.


Maximum 15 people, minimum six. Advance homework for session one is required so all can be prepared.  Registration required at the Adult Enrichment table or by e-mail.


The Master Plan Implementation in Progress! 

By Joan Rubenson and Margaret Wilcox


On August 26, the Sacramento County Planning Commission held the second hearing of our application for the Use Permit required for our Master Plan to be implemented.  Over 20 UUSS members and friends attended, giving support for our Master Plan. We were thrilled that the use permit was finally approved. We want to share details with our whole congregation of members and friends as often as possible. The Master Plan is for all of us, including those who have yet to find their spiritual home at UUSS and many who have yet to be born! The Use Permit allows for Phase IA, Phase IB and Phase II.  


The IMP Logistics Group is working on the details of our temporary relocation, projected to take place in May of 2014 and to continue for a year. We have identified key features that we need or wish for in our temporary site and are continuing to evaluate the fit between UUSS and available places. There is a table on the patio Sunday mornings and we would be happy to have you look at our display of potential sites and share your ideas or let us know your questions and concerns. A Congregational Discussion is scheduled for October 20th after the second service to discuss "Our Adventure: Home Away From Home".   The Logistics Group is reaching out in multiple ways to get feedback from members, friends, staff and ministers and we invite you to sign up at our table to give us occasional email feedback on ideas or issues that we encounter.


Our Project Schedule is in the Design Development stage.   Jeff Gold, our architect, is continuing to work with focus group representatives to confirm specific design details.  We also have a team of four individuals (Judy Moran, Cassie Wilkins, Stanton Vedell and John McMillan) who will work with Jeff Gold to evaluate proposals for the RFQ (Request for Qualifications), to conduct interviews, and make a recommendation to the UUSS Board of Trustees for a final selection of a General Contractor for the project.   


We thank you all for your interest, moral, and financial support of the Master Plan!  Feel free to ask questions - it is a rather involved and complicated process, actually, which makes it all the more interesting and even exciting!  

Hand in Hand

From Your Stewardship Team


"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.  Each of us has cause to thank with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." - Albert Schweitzer


Gratitude Attitude:  The Lights are on and Somebody's Home

Our financial pledges for our operating budget and regular donations don't just keep the lights on at church. While this is a necessary expenditure, our gifts primarily fill the house with music, wisdom, art, inspiration, talent and the warmth of a caring community.  Thank you and welcome home!


Q:  We can know the price of the luminous energy we use because we get a monthly bill. But what about the inspiration and wisdom we get from sharing our art, talents, and music in our spiritual home under these lights? You know, the things that rekindle the light within us, the sparks from others that Albert Schweitzer is talking about.  What does that cost?


A:  The spark we get from others in our community that rekindles our own inner light is priceless.  


Farm to Every Fork Forums

By Glory Wicklund


Grace Presbyterian Church was inspired by our UUrth Song Garden and created their "Plots For Love Garden." They now invite us to their "FARM TO EVERY FORK" FORUMS in October: Three Friday evening forums, October 4, 11 and 18, at Grace Presbyterian Church on Eastern Avenue (two blocks south of Arden Way, adjacent to the fire station).  A light supper begins at 5:30 p.m. followed by a program featuring an expert keynote speaker at 6:30 p.m. For additional information:, [email protected], or (916) 508-6428.


Winter Garden Plots -- "2 for 1" Sale

By Glory Wicklund


The Winter garden plots - two plots for $20 - are available to start planting on October 13. Beets, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, kale, lettuce, and chard are easy to grow in the winter. The RE kids have planted bulbs so we can enjoy flowers in the spring. In April we will clean up the garden, seal the beds and let UUrth Song rest while the grounds are under construction. Interested in a winter plot? Please contact [email protected].


Deepening Our Conversations and Connections:

Dreams for UUSS

By Judy Bell   

This series of workshops led by Lance Ryen and Judy Bell resumes this year on October 6, the first Sunday of the month. Our choice of workshop topics is inspired by our UUSS mission and values statements and we include interactive exercises designed to deepen our knowledge of ourselves and our spiritual lives. Our hope is to enhance our conversations and connections with one another and to empower ourselves to be a force for healing in the world.

The first workshop is "Reflections and Dreams for UUSS." Together we will look back on recent times at UUSS, reflecting on what has been most enjoyable and rewarding.  Then we will dream of our future, reflecting on what we would like to see the same or different, and how we would like to play a role. If you are new to UUSS or a guest, we invite you to join us and look at anything you would like to reflect on and dream about.

This drop-in workshop will be held at 12:45 p.m. in room 7/8.  Please join us. 


Welcome to UUSS-UNO

(Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office)

By Carl Sweet, UNO Envoy 


The UUSS-United Nations Office, UNO, part of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA).  The purpose of this committee at UUSS is to support and promote the principles and activities of the United Nations and the local chapter of the United Nations Association-USA.  Our purpose is to implement our mission to "be a force for healing in the world." 


The committee's October programs are designed to increase awareness of the negative impacts of climate change to our planet as one of the most important ethical, moral and survival issues of our time with a UNO Climate Change Initiative.  This program is a follow-up of our Local Chapter UNA-USA's September 16 "A Climate Change Forum," panel of Environmental Scientists and authors.


The United Nations was founded October 24, 1945, as a global association of governments with an aim to protect human rights and achieve World Peace.  Since then, October 24 has been called United Nations Day.


(See Roger's announcement of UN Sunday's program on Climate Change on October 20 with the speaker Kareem Hammoud.


We also invite our congregation to participate in the UNA-USA chapter's annual dinner meeting on October 24, to Celebrate UN Day. The subject will be the UN International Arms Trade Treaty passed by the UN General Assembly on May 2, 2013.  Here's another opportunity to "be a force for healing in the world."  Watch for further information on this community event.


The UNO Committee will take part in the Third Inter-Generational Model United Nations Conference at San Francisco State University on October 19, with the objective of possibly implementing a model UN program in Sacramento.


Our UNO Committee has voted to be co-sponsors of the UN International Day of Peace Celebration, held at the state Capitol on September 21, and contributed $50 to the event. We will report on that event in our next publication.


We welcome participation of the congregation in our UNO Committee and our events.  You can obtain further information from our Envoy at the Connection Central table on Sunday mornings.
UUSS Readers Book Discussion 

By James Glidden


The discussion is held on the last Tuesday of every month, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The next, October, group read is Transatlantic by Colum McCann. The meeting is October 29, at 7 p.m. All readers welcome!


GAMES NIGHT, October 11:  Who's bringing Rummikub?

By Carrie Cornwell


The next October's Games Night is Friday evening, October 11, in the Fahs Room. 


Unbelievably, at September's Games Night we had no Rummikub game to play.  We made do with a deck of cards at a table playing Gin and Hearts, plus tables of chess, monopoly, and a hard-fought game of Scrabble that ended in a draw. These were all great fun, but the room lacked a certain if you're coming in October, bring a game - and if you're a regular at our monthly Rummikub table, bring your Rummikub game.  The hosts will provide cards, chess, toddler games, and kid games. 


This year, Games Night takes place on the second Friday of each month in the Fahs Room. Doors to the Fahs Room open at 5:30 p.m. for those who want to gather for a 6:00 p.m. potluck dinner.  Game playing begins at 6:30 p.m.


For more information or if you would like to help host Games Night, call or e-mail Megan Snyder ([email protected] or (333-8203 ), Ginny Johnson (649-0575 or [email protected]), or Carrie Cornwell (442-1637 or [email protected]).


See you there!


UUSS All Ages Costume Parade

By Miranda Massa, Religious Education (RE) Coordinator


The Parenting Group will host an all-ages costume parade and Trick or Treat for UNICEF fun and benefit event on Sunday, October 27. Gather on the patio after the first service (about 11:00 a.m.). Bring your best costumes and your spare change for UNICEF donations. Pick up your Trick or Treat for UNICEF donation box at the RE table soon! Trick or Treat for UNICEF helps children around the world. Children and youth here at UUSS can make a difference!  

Parenting Group Event

By Miranda Massa, Religious Education (RE) Coordinator


All ages are welcome to join in the Parenting Group Pumpkin Carving and Potluck on Saturday, October 19, at the Monteith/Tenney family home at 1:00 p.m. Bring your own pumpkin!


Please RSVP to Amanda for more information and directions: [email protected] or (916) 601-0224.


Religious Education Pot of Gold Conference

By Miranda Massa, Religious Education (RE) Coordinator 


"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms." -Muriel Rukeyser


The RE Pot of Gold Conference was an encouraging and motivating way to spend one of the last Saturdays of summer. Grouped with RE volunteers from UUSS, we gathered to share stories about Religious Education programming, learn about better developing youth programs and how to act courageously in leadership roles. Conferences such as this always inspire me. Time spent discussing and sharing RE with other congregations displays how wonderful of a community we have here at UUSS. Thanks to the wonderful volunteers of Religious Education!


Religious Education would like to give a special THANKS to all who attended the Pot of Gold Conference held at the UU Davis Church!


Six Pillars of Balanced Youth Ministry

From the Unitarian Universalist Association

1. Building Community

2. Social Action

3. Worship

4. Learning

5. Leadership

7. Congregational Involvement

Visit Web of Youth Ministry.


Freedom Club Fundraiser

By Miranda Massa, Religious Education (RE) Coordinator 


Kids' Freedom Club members raised $1,200! Many, many thanks to UUSS contributors! The Started by one of the kids in Religious Education at UUSS, the Freedom Club focuses on addressing modern-day slavery.


For more information or to join, please contact Petra Stanton.


Unitarian Universalist Association Luminary Leaders-

Apply by October 31!

By Miranda Massa, Religious Education (RE) Coordinator 


Are you a Unitarian Universalist youth eager to take a leadership role in our faith movement? The Luminary Leaders Program is currently taking applications. This program connects youth across the denomination by granting leadership roles in focus groups, committees, planning teams and more. Luminary Leaders Program also offers a $500 scholarship for attendance at a UU event. Please contact Miranda for more information or help with the application process.  

RE Reminders!

By Miranda Massa, Religious Education (RE) Coordinator 


Fill out a Religious Education Registration Form for your family!  Forms are available at the RE Welcome Table.


2013-14 UUSS RE Class Breakdown

  • Child care (infant through age 5), Room 11
  • Story Time (three years through kindergarten), Room 10
  • Spirit Play (1st through 5th grades), Room 7/8
  • JHYG-Jr. High Youth Group (grades 6, 7, 8), Room 6
  • SHYG-Sr. High Youth Group (high School to age 20), Room 12


October Religious Education and event reminders


- October 6, All Ages Worship, Pet Blessing Day

- October 6, OWL Class

- October 6, Game Night

-October 11-13, Coming of Age Threshold Retreat held at the UU Congregation of Santa Rosa

- October 27, All Ages Worship, Harry Potter theme

- October 27, OWL Class

- October 27, Child care available for the Congregational Meeting

-RE schedule and calendar details


Religious Education (RE) Calendar, October 2013

Sunday, October 6

9:15-12:45      Child care available - age 5 and under

9:30-10:45      Worship for All Ages - Pet Blessing Day

11:15-1:45      OWL Class

October 11-13, Coming of Age Threshold Retreat held at the UU Congregation of Santa Rosa


Sunday, October 13

9:15-12:45      Child care available - age 5 and under

9:30-10:45      Religious Education

11:00-12:30    Religious Education Committee Meeting - Open House!


Sunday, October 20

9:15-12:45      Child care available - age 5 and under

9:30-10:45      Religious Education


Sunday, October 27

9:15-12:45      Child care available - age 5 and under

9:30-10:45      Worship for All Ages - Harry Potter theme

11:00-11:15    All Ages RE costume parade, Trick or Treat for UNICEF benefit event

11:15-1:45      OWL Class

12:30-2:30      Congregational Meeting - Child care available 

Congregational Meeting, October 27, 12:30 p.m.

By Cathy George

Please plan to attend the congregational meeting on October 27, at 12:30 p.m. Childcare will be provided. We will discuss important updates on implementing the master plan and budget and fundraising issues. Community partners will be elected for 2014. 

A True Story or a Scam?

By Rev. Roger Jones


In September a man approached me in the parking lot, right before the Sunday service.  He said he needed help to get back to Yuba City, that he had been to visit a relative in the hospital.  He showed me a scar on his arm and said, "I'm diabetic, too." He needed help. 


I offered to call a tow truck for the car parked in the middle of our parking lot. I told him I could not help him otherwise. Then he wandered our campus.  Our custodians escorted him back to his car to leave.


I've lost count of the people who have come to church to ask for help right when people are heading to service or going home.  When in a hurry, we do not think through their stories. Most of the time, it is a scam. Other ministers confirm this experience.


My answer is: "We cannot help you today, and I'm sorry. You can call me this week.  However, we always refer people to a local organization which is the best at linking you to the help you need." Most scammers dismiss the mention of local agencies, and press me further. 


As a church, we support these agencies financially so they can do this work.


If you are approached on a Sunday morning and asked for help, you could give some of your money. But I won't. I recommend that you say, "No, I'm sorry, I can't." 


This is why we give away half of our Sunday offering. We recognize that other organizations can determine (better than we can) how to help those who are truly in need. 


If you support these important UUSS community partners, don't feel guilty about turning down somebody with a well-crafted story.  Believe me, they will find somebody else to give money to them.  


Improving the UUSS Website
By Judy Lane

UUSS wants to upgrade and improve our website at Can you spare a few moments to take a survey about the website? The link is Your feedback is important! Thanks! 
Breaking News: Connections Fair October 20

Our Program Council announces the Fall Connections Fair at UUSS. This is when activity groups, committees and volunteer teams make displays at tables in the meadow. Come find out what's going on at UUSS. Get connected! After each service on Sunday, October 20.

Unigram Deadline

Remember, the deadline for you to submit Unigram items is the 15th of the month preceding the month of publication and your event.  The most effective articles will pick out one or two items to highlight.  Any announcements should contain a date, a time, and a contact person, including an e-mail or phone number. 


Serving Our Congregation



          Linda Clear, President                         Linda Klein, Vice-President

          Glory Wicklund, Treasurer                  Cathy George, Secretary

          Meg Burnett                                         Gordon Gerwig

          Peter Killian                                         Janet Lopes

          Eric Ross


Contact Board members by email: [email protected]



          JoAnn Anglin                                       Kimberly Ayers

          Chris Gerwig                                       Sandra Meredith

          Carol Jacobs                                       Diane Kelly-Abrams         


Contact Program Council members by email: [email protected]



Rev. Roger Jones, Acting Senior Minister

Rev. Lucy Bunch, Assistant Minister

Rachel Kang, Accompanist

JoLane Blaylock, Congregational Support Coordinator

Stanton Vedell, Facilities Coordinator

Michele Ebler, Bookkeeper  *  Elaine Cooper, Receptionist

Miranda Massa, Religious Education Coordinator

Annie Green, Rebekah Chester, Childcare Providers

Aaron Molina, Miguel Neri & Angel Neri, Custodians

Ricardo Sanchez, Maintenance Technician