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April Focus on Mission at the Presbyterian Church in Sudbury
This month our church receives the special offering for Mission at the Eastward (MATE) a Presbyterian mission project in rural western Maine. We visit the area each summer to renovate housing for low-income families. Our gift of money supports the cost of materials for the renovations.
Last summer, I was on a team that built an insulated trailer skirt around the home of a family of six: two parents and four children under the age of 7. The previous winter their pipes froze and burst because the old trailer skirt had deteriorated and failed.

This was a struggling family in every way: no work, no money, no vehicle, poor housing, difficult family circumstances. They certainly were "the least of these."

When we arrived, we discovered that the small yard around the trailer was filled with debris. MATE paid for a dumpster and we cleared just enough space to begin work on the skirt. The next morning when we arrived, we saw that the parents had cleared part of the yard so the kids could now go outside to play. By the end of the week, they had cleared the whole front yard of the trailer.

We worked with the MATE leaders, Steve and Eric, who have just the right disposition for the challenging work: they balance the big picture with the details. They can work with homeowners and volunteers. They encourage us. They are practical and steady.

On the last day the neighbors came over and thanked us.

Our team included a PCiS middle-schooler and his father, first-time workers at MATE but with great construction skills. It was a tough first project, and most kids his age would have recoiled. But he did an awesome job, and inspired us.

So at the end of the week, here's what your money did last summer:
  • improved this family's home for the next winter
  • made a yard for their kids to play
  • provided a formative experience for a PCiS youth and the rest of the work team
Sometimes when we arrive at a site on the first day, the task seems simply overwhelming. Where do we start? In a way, it's like the feeding of the five thousand. We start with what we have, give thanks for that, and start the work. Somehow by the end of the week the work is done - and not just the construction. It's a miracle.

Your donations help make that possible.

Additional Mission and Outreach Opportunities 
Miracle Kitchen
Friday, April 12th at 6:00pm
Volunteers are needed to make and serve casseroles. Learn more.

Opportunity for High School Students:
Sunday, April 7th at 12:00pm
The PCiS Senior High Youth Group will be cooking for the upcoming Miracle Kitchen. Come join us!
Ministry at Wingate
April 21st at 1:00pm
Thanks to our wonderful volunteers, PCiS is able to provide the only Protestant worship service each month at the Wingate Nursing Home. New volunteers are always needed. Learn more.

Special Opportunity
Help Support the Youth Mission Trips
On Sunday, April 28th from 5:00-7:00pm, we will have a Chili Cookoff! Cost is only $5/person, $15/family. Bring your best recipe! (Or just eat!) Also provided are drinks, salad, & ice cream sundaes to cool off! Proceeds benefit Youth Group Mission Trip.
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   330 Concord Road, Sudbury, MA 01776 � 978.443.4131

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