Our Body Map - The Best Road Traveled

5-Minute Try It
Belly Expansion

Purpose: To become very familiar with the belly center, the felt sense 
of different situations (i.e. relaxed, closed, scared, confident) and 
what the belly - this part of our body map - has to offer us. 

For practice, you will need: 
comfortable clothing preferable;
chair optional.

Minute one:
Bring your hands to the center of your belly to
support your access to your belly.

Minute two:
Allow breath to enter your belly and
feel your belly expand like a balloon. 

Minute three:
With more space in your belly, notice the quality of your belly right now.
How would you describe it? Grounded, open, tingling?

Minute four:
Continue to practice breathing into your belly.
How do these sensations expand throughout your body?

Minute five:
Notice how the qualities of confidence and power
are intimately connected to your belly.
Become aware of how these qualities arise as you practice.

Complete your practice
recognizing how developing a strong belly center allows
you to be more present and in integrity in each moment. 

Daily 5 minute Practice:
Practice Belly Expansion when you're inspired,
or develop a regular practice,
such as as you sit down before a meal.

Be Inspired...

7-Day Meditation Retreat
The Pointing Out Style of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Meditation
with Daniel Brown, Ph.D.

The pointing out style is an ancient way of teaching meditation that is firmly grounded in the teacher-student relationship. In the early essence traditions of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism students were literally sung into awakening by their teachers using pithy poem-songs called dohas. 

This retreat is open to beginners, as well as students of the Pointing Out Way.

January 3rd - 10th, 2015
at Samadhi Integral Life Practice Center
in Newton Centre, MA


Taos, New Mexico