We can explain how the world works....Learn Austrian economics.
Join us on June 6 with Dr. Steven Horwitz



The Bastiat Society is a non-political organization seeking to unite the business community and engage in thought provoking topics of economics and liberty without political agenda or rhetoric. 


Please join us on Thursday, June 6th from 6 - 8:15 pm for the monthly Bastiat Society meeting with guest speaker Dr. Steven G. Horwitz. 

 "What Austrian Economics Is and Is Not"


 "Austrian economics is often misunderstood in both the popular press and among intellectuals.  It is not "free market economics" nor is it "an ideology."  The Austrian school is a tradition of economic analysis that dates back almost 150 years to the founding work of Carl Menger in Vienna of the 1870s.  The work of the Austrians is a set of ideas that is useful for analyzing and understanding the world;  it is not a set of policy conclusions about the value of the free market.  Making this distinction is important because the only way Austrian ideas will influence the debate over policy is if the Austrian analysis of human action is valid."  Dr. Steven G. Horwitz


This event is sponsored by our Strategic Partner: 


Event Agenda:


Introductions                                                   6:00 - 6:15 pm
  Lecture with Q&A:                                         6:15 - 7:15 pm  
Network with Speaker and Members:        7:15 - 8:15 pm

Light refreshments provided 


Looking forward to seeing you there!  

Leo Rota - Managing Director

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All meetings are held from 6-8 pm at:   New ISI Logo   

Intercollegiate Studies Institute 
3901 Centerville Road 
Wilmington, DE 19807
All one hour speaking and Q&A portion of the meetings will remain open to the public and free of charge.

Refreshments and social/business networking after the lecture and Q&A will require a small yearly membership fee.  Those who are attending a meeting for the first time can attend one social gathering free of charge so they can experience and network with other members, have personal access to the speakers, and enjoy some refreshments in a very positive environment.    

Membership Options 
- Individual - $125 per year

- Couple - $ 175 per year

- Student (high school or undergrad)  $ 55 per year

- Special Group Pricing Available - Contact Managing Director - Leo Rota  


Two Convenient Ways To Join:
Option 1 - Credit Card 

Option 2
Mail or bring a check to the meeting, payable to:   
The Bastiat Society  
Mail to: 180 Spring Street, Charleston, SC 29403 
Check memo:  Delaware Chapter Membership 


Register Now!

Steve Horwitz

Steven Horwitz is Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics and department chair at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY.  An Affiliated Senior Scholar at the Mercatus Center in Arlington, VA and a Senior Fellow of the Fraser Institute in Vancouver, BC, Horwitz completed his MA and PhD in economics at George Mason University and received his A.B. in economics and philosophy from The University of Michigan.  


He is the author of two books, Microfoundations and Macroeconomics: An Austrian Perspective (Routledge, 2000) and Monetary Evolution, Free Banking, and Economic Order (Westview, 1992), and he has written extensively on Austrian economics, Hayekian political economy, monetary theory and history, and macroeconomics.


In addition to several dozen articles in numerous professional journals, he has also done nationally recognized public policy work on the role of the private sector during Hurricane Katrina.  The author of numerous op-eds, Horwitz is also a frequent guest on TV and radio programs, and has a series of popular YouTube videos for the Learn Liberty series from the Institute for Humane Studies. Horwitz co-edits the book series Advances in Austrian Economics and is a contributing editor at The Freeman.  


He also blogs at "Coordination Problem" and "Bleeding Heart Libertarians." He was awarded the Hayek Prize in 2010 by the Fund for the Study of Spontaneous Order for his work on the economics of the family among other contributions. 


A member of the Mont Pelerin Society, Horwitz has spoken to professional, student, policymaker, and general audiences throughout North America, as well as in Europe, Asia, and South America. His current research is on the economics and social theory of the family, and he is at work on a book on classical liberalism and the family.