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        Take A Step...Experience the Difference
                   A Newsletter to Empower You to Create Positive Change

    Week  12                                                                                                                   March 24, 2013          

               Are You Happy With Your Habits?



Did you know there is a connection between your habits and your happiness? Researchers have found that the happiest people among us have habits that support their happiness. Do you? Do your habits support your happiness or are they detracting from it? If you don't like a result that you are experiencing there is something you can do about it. Do you know what that is? Exactly! You can make a change. This week I have listed 6 areas for you to consider making a small change within. Consider what you might do to support your happiness today, tomorrow, and the day after that. Your challenge this week is to make a commitment to taking a step to change one thing that will lead you to greater happiness.



1. Positive Expectation

Do you expect the best or dread the worst? Practice setting a positive intention for the day. Set the expectation for positive interactions, and the best of possible results. Visualize the day before you going exactly the way you want it. See yourself smiling throughout the day!


2. Gratitude

Do you think about your day-to-day challenges first thing in the morning or do you bring your attention to appreciation for what is in the moment? The practice of gratitude has been shown to be foundational to people who experience the greatest happiness. Is this you? Take time for this practice. Write it down!


3. Meditate

Do you think that you are too busy to meditate? Try waking up 10 minutes earlier to begin this practice if you really want to be successful in achieving greater happiness. Focus on your breathing. Slow it down and do it consciously. This is a great stress reliever and one that helps among other things lower your blood pressure and regulate your vital functions.


4. Exercise

Research shows this to be a key component to a happier healthier you. Do you practice a regular form of physical exercise? There are many to choose from so there is something right for each one of us. Start walking, take up yoga, get to the gym, take up dance, swim laps. What is it that interests you? Get going on it.


5. Nourish Yourself

A healthy diet is necessary for our bodies and for our minds. If we do not get the proper nutrition over time our system begins to break down. Do you have a healthy diet or is it filled with ingredients that are weighing you down? Do you choose to eat fresh fruit and vegetables? How about lean meats? Are you selecting to limit or eliminate sugar and white flour?


6. Social Connection

How do you connect with other people? Do you have meaningful connection with other people? How are you cultivating and enhancing these connections? Choose to get out and take time to interact with others. Show an interest in them. 



What if you started a new practice, a new way of doing things in just one area of your life today? What would it feel like? What might it look like? What might be the new result?


Are you willing to make the change required? Think about what it will add to your life when you consciously choose to begin forming a healthy habit. It all begins with you, in the decisions you make. Why not support yourself in creating a healthier, happier you?


You owe it to yourself to take action today. Begin now and do have a happy, healthy week!


                                      STEP BY STEP
Take A Step...Experience the Difference
is designed to support people committed to making changes in their lives. Look for an issue delivered to your email each Sunday morning.              Take A  Step...Experience the Difference is a publication of                  Step By Step...Results! and written by Lindsley.

        Lindsley Silagi

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Lindsley Silagi
Step By Step...Results! 
PO Box 51 
Santa Teresa, NM  88008 